Every Child Should Get Quality Education – Kasturi
Mangaluru: The Shikshana Sampanmula Kendragala Okkoota in association with PADI, Child Line and School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya organised a talk on the right to education, at the auditorium, Roshni Nilaya here, on June 30.
Apprising the gathering on the condition of students, district co-ordinator, Padi Mangaluru Kasturi said that even though the RTE came into effect in 2009, discussions on how to effectively provide this right to children is still going on.
“There are three issues which are to be highlighted, such as RTE, facilities to provide access to education and child rights. We should use existing laws to effectively provide access to every child. This process should not just be applied in urban areas but we have to make sure that each and every child, right from the Gram Panchayat level, receives quality education. Many rural schools in the country do not have an adequate number of teachers. The ratio of children to teachers is disproportionately large, and this affects the quality of education. We need to integrate our education system at all levels and see to it that every child gets equal education under RTE.”
Kasturi further said that even though there are many agencies to monitor and enforce child rights, child abuse and exploitation is still prevalent in the country. “We have to think of what we can do as a society, as a human being to protect children,” she added.
Member of SSKO, Sridhar Rao and ASI Manjula also spoke on the occasion.