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Ex-MLA J R Lobo Shares Christmas Message with St Andrew’s- Shivabagh III Ward Members

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Ex-MLA J R Lobo Shares Christmas Message with St Andrew’s- Shivabagh III Ward Members

Peoples’ favorite Ex-MLA J R Lobo makes a surprise visit and Shares Christmas Message with St Andrew’s-Shivabagh III Ward Members, during their ‘Ward Day’ and Annual Christmas Get-Together held at St Sebastian Church Mini Hall, Mangaluru on Saturday, 8 December 2018

Mangaluru: Christmas is a time to share the joy and happiness among neighbours and friends, and celebrate everything we have in common. Get together with neighbours, friends or community to have fun, share food and celebrate all that we have in common. Among picnics and what not, but a get-together to share the joy and love during time of Christmas is a perfect idea, and for that matter, the members/neighbors of Shivabagh St Andrew’s Ward joined in having a gala Annual Christmas Get-Together together with their ‘Ward Day’at St Sebastian church mini hall, Bendore-Mangaluru on Saturday, 8 December. But what matters was that they all had fun and brought the neighbors closer together.

This time of year is a stand out time to spread joy and happiness. There is just something in the air that makes it feel, oh so right. It was all about one of the nifty ways to delight upon your neighbors during the holidays. Christmas get-together like this one was a perfect way to meet the neighbors and specially the ones you’ve never even seen or said “Hi” to for a while. The ‘Ward Day’ and “Christmas Celebration’ began with a prayer song by the Ward ladies, with music by the “Three K’s”- Kevin, Keith and Kenneth. Welcome address was delivered by Norbert Crasta, the Gurkar of the St Andrew’s Ward-Shivabagh III, followed by a two minute silence remembering their departed souls.

Then it was time to cut the Christmas cake, and distribute the cake slices among the audience, with the “K’s” singing the Christmas carols, bringing the spirit and joy of Christmas. To get the audience into a game mood, Jossy D’souza organized a Balloon Game, which everyone took part very enthusiastically. Then it was time to take the Christmas revelers into the world of music-where songs were sung y the Aranha Twins- ‘ Daniel and Lisa’, a song by Veela and Neetha, and once again the “K’s” performing a favorite number. Jossy D’souza took the Ward members into a world of laughter with his jokes time, and being Christmas time, he stayed away from telling ‘Dirty’ jokes.

It was once again time for more games, where ‘Throwing the Rings’ game was conducted by Jossy; ‘Elimination Game’ for all by Osey Pereira; followed by Housie Housie game, where the members wanted to earn some extra pocket money. Once again to bring back the spirit of Christmas, with music by the Carvallho Sisters everyone joined in singing the Christmas carols in English, followed by Konkani Christmas carols led by Galdvin Patrao and group. Then came the surprise visit by one of the Ward Members favorite person, Ex-MLA J R Lobo, who shared the message of Christmas.

Addressing the audience, J R Lobo said, ” December is the time of preparation for a special, spiritual journey. Through the reflection of advent believers comes the days of joy, ready to greet the Savior Jesus. For most of us, Christmas is the favourite time of the year. It is the time when we put away our petty little differences and interact with each other with joy, sing Christmas carols and gather as family to enjoy each other as we share a Christmas meal. The emphasis during the season is on sharing and giving. The birth of Christ represents a supreme act of giving to humanity, the means to finding the true meaning of life and the path to everlasting happiness. As said in Bible (John 3:16) “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but may have eternal life”.

“It is important that we note that God`s giving of his Son sprung out of love, a love that is selfless, all embracing and unconditional. It is a quality of loving and giving that all men and nations on earth seek, but which they appear able to hold on to only for a short time. Many of you will participate in various celebrations, both of a spiritual and secular nature. I urge you to do so with joy, but with responsibility and restraint. Remember, the person we celebrate at Christmas was a man of peace, who taught us to forgive and to turn the other cheek. You all have been very supportive during the last election time, but even though I didn’t win, I will always remember your support and love shown towards me- and I will still be at your service in case you need my assistance. I wish each of you a Christmas filled with the presence of Christ and a New Year touched by God`s blessings” added J R Lobo.

And to be on the lighter side of vein, when Norbert Crasta offered J R Lobo a flower bouquet, Lobo said “It would have been nice, if Crasta would have offered me a Country Rooster rather than a flower bouquet” (Hinting on Norbert, since he owns a poultry shop). The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr John Sherra, and Ms Ophelia said grace before meals.

In conclusion in my perspective, “As we approach the season of good will, we do so to celebrate and commemorate the good will of God towards Man. “For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting” (John 3:16). And yet we fail to do justice to the season if we fail to do justice to our neighbours. Like God Himself, we must also show good will toward men, or else we are not really getting ourselves into the Christmas spirit. We must love one another as He has loved us. In a practical sense, this means that our Christmas communion should also be a communion with our local community. We should celebrate Christmas by becoming involved in the communal celebration of Christmas in the areas in which we live. And for that matter, the members of St Andrew’s -Shivabagh III Ward had done the right thing by celebrating the spirit and joy of Christmas clubbed together with their ‘Ward Day’. Ho…ho…ho…Norbert Crasta and his Team on the Go!

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