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Failure to address ethnic conflict in Manipur will pose threat to broader peace: NESO

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Failure to address ethnic conflict in Manipur will pose threat to broader peace: NESO

Imphal: The influential North East Students’ Organisation (NESO) on Thursday urged the Prime Minister and Home Minister to urgently intervene in the Manipur situation.

NESO is an apex body of eight students’ organisations representing seven NE states.

The organisation claimed that the failure to address the ethnic conflict not only undermines the stability of Manipur but also poses a threat to the broader peace and security of the entire northeast region.

In their urgent joint letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, NESO called upon the government of India to act without further delay and take concrete steps to restore peace in the state.

The apex student body urged PM Modi to visit Manipur to assess the ground situation personally and to provide security to the civilian population of both the communities, especially women and children who are the most vulnerable section in this type of conflict.

“The people of Manipur need to see that their suffering is acknowledged and that concrete actions are being taken to resolve the conflict. NESO also calls for the appointment of a high-level peace committee, involving representatives from all communities, to facilitate a lasting and peaceful resolution,” said the letter, signed by NESO chairman Samuel Jyrwa and Secretary General Mutsikhoyo Yhobu.

Claiming that the situation in Manipur is dire, and it demands immediate attention from the highest levels of government, the apex student body said that the prolonged silence of the Prime Minister when the violence erupted, has only served to aggravate the crisis.

“The absence of strong, timely leadership and intervention has allowed the conflict to fester, further escalating the violence and suffering endured by the people,” it stated.

The escalation of violence, including recent reports of drone and missile strikes, has further exacerbated the already fragile situation, the NESO leaders said, adding that such tactics not only intensify the devastation but also deepen the divide between communities, making the prospect of peace even more elusive.

Calling for a peaceful resolution to this crisis, NESO suggested that constructive dialogue is the only way forward and the people of Manipur deserve peace, and this can only be achieved through mutual understanding and a commitment to non-violence.


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