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Fashion Never Gets Old! Seniors Strut in Style at the ‘Seenager 2018’ Fashion Pageant

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Fashion Never Gets Old! Seniors Strut in Style at the ‘Seenager 2018’ Fashion Pageant

Fashion Never Gets Old! Seniors Strut in Style at the FIRST ‘Seenager 2018’ Fashion Pageant for Senior Citizens, organized by Senior Citizens Welfare Association of St Francis Xavier Church, Bejai-Mangaluru on Friday, 21 June 2018. The event comprised of prizes for Winner and Runners-Up in ‘Seenager 2018’ Fashion Show; “Best Smile”; “Best Talent” and :Best Costume”.

Mangaluru : You might have heard or been familiar with “Teenager” Fashion Show, but for the FIRST time in Kudla, check this out- we have “SEENAGER” Fashion show exclusively for senior citizens. And all these vintage revelers who took part in this fashion pageant were all in the happy mood, filled with enthusiasm to unleash their hidden talents and beauty. And for that matter, the event showed that these vintage revelers were more stylish than you? It was indeed a ladies day out at the Fashion extravaganza. On the outset, kudos to Ms Juliet Mascarenhas, who is only 66 years young, and the President of Senior Citizens Welfare Association for being the mastermind behind this FIRST of its kind unique Fashion Show/Pageant for senior citizens- and Ms Juliet had also taken the initiative to start this Association, Bravo, Julietbai!

Old is Gold!-that’s right.We don’t believe age is any more than a mere number. Not with these smooth party “young” ladies. Look at them go! Even in the glorious age of white hair and senior citizen discounts, their inner children are not only alive and well, they’re shaking things up too… literally. They are getting with the groove, boogey-ing, dancing well, singing oldies, and having some fun and frolic. All this and much more talents unleashed by the lovable, cute and enthusiastic young “Seniors” was witnessed by the gathering assembled for the ” Senior Citizens Welfare Association. With these “Young” revelers comprising of Mamas/Papas, and Grandmas/Grandpas, the hall simply reverberated!

As they say that “Ageing is not ‘lost youth’, but a new stage of opportunity and strength”- there is no age limit when you are capable of having some fun and want to party- even senior citizens know how to party hard and have fun and frolic. With all these vintage folks unleashing their hidden talents even at the “golden Ripe Age” made everyone feel that even older folks have the capacity to rock the world with their talents in their vintage years. The “Young” participants ranged in the age from 60 to 80 years young, and none of them showed any signs of ageing-they all looked young, pretty and fabulous. When asked about her beauty secret to looking young at 70, one contestant said “Active. Be always active and have always a goal to look forward to. Something ahead of you, always.As you get older, you know, you think sometimes that you don’t do things like that, so it gives you an opportunity to continue.”. They were 5’1″, 5’6″, and even 5’11 in height. This was one day for these ladies to feel like a queen- and they proved it!

This was the only fashion show that has not weight, height or age restriction. It defies them all and that is such a welcome change. And why not, many of them still rule hearts, even at this age. Wearing colorful outfits and high-heeled shoes, a group of 22 senior citizens took to the floor to showcase their fashion talents. They all met with roaring applause and cheers as they strutted down the hall. The joy of a fashion show like this is that it celebrates beauty at any age- and the lovely “young” proved it. Before the seniors took to the hall floor, they shared laughs together as they had their makeup done by volunteers from Mercy’s Spa and Salon, one of the sponsors of the event.

Glamour and advanced years are not mutually exclusive, and we had these vintage models to prove it.“I personally enjoyed it tremendously. I thought I would be nervous, but actually it was a whole lot of fun. I was the first one to come out, and they were playing jazzy music with a great beat and the audience started to clap along.It was more than just a fashion show,” said Ida, one of the contestant. Housewives and elderly people usually don’t get a chance to showcase their talent- so this event helped them unleash their hidden talents.

The programme began with a prayer, followed by welcome address by Ms Juliet Mascarenhas, the Association president. The minutes of the May month meeting was read by Ms Maize D’souza- the Secretary, followed by finance report by Eric Coelho, the treasurer. Members who celebrated their birthdays and anniversaries in the month of June were greeted during the occasion. The chief guest of the function, Fr Rohan Lobo-Assistant Parish Priest of Bejai church addressing the gathering said, ” I have attended many events but this is the first time I am attending a fashion show specially organised for senior citizens. I appreciate the initiative taken by this association. You are not too old to have fun, and this event is an opportunity to show your talents. You are all still young, and you can still do more. You need to keep your unity and organize many more activities in future, thereby prove that you too have the capacity”.

The Fashion Show contests had 22 participants in the first round, which were short-listed to five by the two judges- Ms Mercy D’souza- proprietor of Mercy Salon, and also the sponsor of this event; and Miss Sonia Rodrigues- a model, brand ambassador, compere and event manager. The judges had a tough time to select the last five finalists, since many of the contestants were too competitive with each other. The last five finalists had three minutes each to narrate their profile, a interesting thing that happened in their lives-and had to answer one query from the judges.

And finally the results proved their talents in the last round- and Ms Maize D’souza was judged as “Seenager 2018”, which she received cash prize and gift certificate; the runner-up was Ms Ida Rodrigues. The “Best Talent” prize was bagged by Ms Diana Shanbhoge; “Best Costume” bagged by Ms Renny Fernandes; “Best Smile” bagged by Ms Juliet Mascarenhas. Everyone received a loud applaud, and showers of kisses and hugs. On the occasion, the 75th birthday of Ms Renny Fernandes was celebrated, and in response she rendered a beautiful song, which received applause from the audience.

The function also saw entertainment in the form of music and songs by a few members, who took the audience into a world of music. Gilbert D’souza and Julian D’cunha crooned couple of dance Konkani numbers, one being the ever-popular “Ami Dogi Sezari”, which made the audience clap their hands and tap their feet. The fun filled extravaganza ended with a sumptuous dinner. The programme was compered by Ronnie Fernandes-the Vice Prseident, and also by Oswald Rodrigues- coordinator of the Association.

In conclusion, all I have to say is “The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young. The complete life, the perfect pattern, includes old age as well as youth and maturity. Old age has its pleasures, which, though different, are not less than the pleasures of youth. The old are in a second childhood. When we’re young we have faith in what is seen, but when we’re old we know that what is seen is traced in air and built on water. No one wishes to grow old, to outlive their illusions. Only a short respite from cares and sorrow, a brief time of flowers, and music, and love, and laughter, and ecstatic tears.

Aging gracefully is one thing, but trying to slow it down is another. There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. Women/men sit or move to and fro, some are old, some young. The young are beautiful – but the old are more beautiful than the young. To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent–that is to triumph over old age. Looking at you all here, I don’t think you all looked old, but looked young, energetic and cheerful- Hats off to the organizers, especially Ms Juliet Mascarenhas for bringing a change in you through her ideas and planning. May God bless you all, dear Seniors!”- Yours Truly, at Team Mangalorean (Mangalorean.com) will always support the seniors in their endeavours/events.

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Eric Coelho
6 years ago

Lovely and just lovely pictures. Kudos to the Sr. Citizen of Bejai Parish.

Juliet Mascarenhas
6 years ago

Thanks Alphie for the lovely pics and elaborate report. Thanks to Father Rohan Lobo for sparing his precious time with us. A big thank you to all the participates and the members of SiCWA Bejai for their support to make the show a success. Thanks to Chris Electronics for providing the music,The judges Mercy and Sonia, Anchors Ronnie and Ossie. Special thanks to Thelma Pais for sponsoring cash prize to all the winners.Congratulations to all the winners.
Senior Citizens Welfare Association, Bejai Jai Ho.

6 years ago

Thanks to Alphie for d lovely coverage. Thanks to all d participants n d sponsored. U support n encouragement means a lot. It is a boost to move further. Cheeeeeeers Bejai seenagers . Kudos to mangalorean.com.

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