Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Celebrated

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Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Celebrated

Margao: The Carmelites in Goa celebrated the feast of their patroness Our Lady of Mount Carmel on July 16. Fr Lucio Dias, Episcopal Vicar for South Zone presided over the Solemn Eucharistic celebration at the Carmelite Monastery, Margao along with Fr Anthony D’Silva, Provincial, Pilar Fathers, Fr Ronald D’Souza OCD, Provincial Councilor for Formation of the Carmelites, Fr Serterio Rodrigues, Parish Priest, Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs Church, Assolna, Fr Archibald Gonsalves OCD, Superior, Carmelite monastery, Margao and 18 priests as concelebrants.

Delivering a homily on the theme, Mary-the model to witness to the love Christ, focused on to experience Jesus and witness to him in our families, Small Christians Communities and in our day to day lives. Elaborating on the love of Christ he said that the love of Christ is universal, service Oriented and forgiving in nature. “Mother Mary experienced the Love of Christ and helped others specially the apostles to experience the same and helped them to continue His mission.” He said. So he appealed to the packed congregation to take Mother Mary as the Model to witness the love of Christ.

Fr Mark Furtado OCD was the commentator for the liturgical celebration. Fr Archibald Gonsalves OCD proposed the vote of thanks.

Cloistered Carmelites nuns too had the festal celebration at the Cloistered Carmel Convent Chapel, Chicalim. Fr Agnelo Pinheiro, Professor at the Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol was the main celebrant. “There is no happiness without the intervention of God in our lives,” said Fr Pinheiro. He said that Mother Mary experienced the love Christ and appealed the congregation to witness the Sacrificial love of Christ taking Mary as the model.

Fr Ivo Dias, Superior, Avila Jyothi, Carmelite Seminary Mapusa presided over the Eucharistic celebration at the Carmelite Seminary Mapusa and Fr Ronald D’Souza OCD preached the homily. “Scapular is not a magical charm but a sign of our belonging to Mary and pledge of her maternal protection in this life and the next. It stands for the decision to follow Jesus like Mary, to be open to God and to his will.” Fr D’Souza said and asked the faithful to imitate the virtues of Mary.

Fr John Sequeira OCD, Director, Divine Springs, Xellim presided over the Eucharistic celebration held at Our Lady of Fatima Chapel Xellim.

by Bro. John Malvino Alfonso OCD

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