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FMCI Bids Adieu to their ‘Boss’ Bishop Aloysius D’Souza, Who Served with Motto ‘Heal & Comfort’

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FMCI Bids Adieu to their ‘Boss’ Bishop Aloysius D’Souza, Who Served with Motto ‘Heal & Comfort’

Father Muller Charitable Institutions-Mangaluru Bids Adieu to Their “Boss”/President Bishop of Mangaluru Diocese Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, who Served for 22 Years with the Motto “Heal and Comfort”.

Mangaluru: He Came, He Saw, He Conquered the Hearts of Thousands of Catholic Faithful of Mangaluru Diocese as the Bishop from 1996-2018 ; and the Priests, Management Staff, Doctors, Nurses, Students of Father Muller Charitable Institutions {FMCI}-Mangaluru as their beloved President. As the saying goes, “The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again”, as Fr Muller Charitable institutions gathered on Tuesday, 21 August at the Decennial Centenary Hall, to celebrate the journey of their Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza , Bishop of Mangalore Diocese from 1996 till date . A true leader who has inspired our Institutions to dream more, learn more , do more and become more. His 22 years with FMCI have helped guide and steer their institutions through thick and thin, and everyone at FMCI were truly humbled by Bishop’s guidance and grace as the President of the FMCI. And today, they were not saying goodbye but instead ‘until we meet again’ to their humble and polite Bishop Fr Aloysius Paul D’Souza.

The programme began with a prayer song sung by the students of Father Muller Nursing School, followed by welcome address by Fr Richard Coelho- The Director of FMCI. In his address, Fr Coelho said, ” Today is not a usual welcome address, and not a usual programme. It is a programme with mixed emotions of joy and sorrow. Like Abdul Kalam had said, “The only day in your life …Your mother smiled when you cried “- and today when we are all sad and about to cry while Bishop leaves us, probably he will have full of smiles. We will surely miss Bishop Aloysius D’souza, who was a lovable, Adorable and always caring. As our Head he could have given us orders as to to what to do and what not to do, but he left us to manage the Institution by our own decisions. He lived with the motto ‘Heal and Comfort’ all these years with FMCI, and during his tenure as president of FMCI has grown to greater heights with new facilities and infrastructure, and FMCI has become a Brand Name in the City.” At the end of Fr Coelho’s welcome address, the audience gave a standing ovation with loud clapping.

The Citation of Bishop Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D’souza was read by Professor Dr Aloysius Sequeira , Dean of Faculty Welfare,NITK and Governing Board Member , FMCI, where he highlight the contributions of His Lordship from 1996- 2018 at FMCI . Then followed the felicitation of Bishop Aloysius D’souza, where Monsignore Denis Moras Prabhu did the honors by vesting a Mysore peta, FMCI Director felicitated the Bishop by draping a shawl as a mark of respect; Chief Nursing Officer Sr Janet presented a garland; Dean Dr Jayaprakash Alva presented a hamper of fruits.

The Administrator of Fr Muller Medical College and Hospital – Fr Rudolph Ravi D’sa offered a Rosary , Administrator FMMC Fr Ajith Menezes presented a cross , Administrator of Fr Muller Thumbay Hospital -Fr Roshan Crasta presented a portrait and Administrator of Fr Muller Homeopathic Medical College Fr Vincent Saldhana presented a wonderfully designed Collage to the Bishop as a mark of appreciation-which was followed by a group photo for the precious memories. Like Pope Francis says “ Lav date o si “, which means “Praise be to God”, everyone at FMCI were honoured to offer Thanks, to be able to praise the Lord for what the Bishop has done for them : Through the leadership of their Dear Bishop.

It is said “A sapling grows into a tree which ultimately flowers and bears fruit. This represents life. Also growth and harmony eventually standing firm through its roots and withstanding the greatest of all challenges. This embodies the like and kindness of their most Rev Bishop. Representatives of various departments of FMCI came forward and congratulated and celebrated Bishop’s elaborate and dedicated legacy to their Institutions by a presentation of Saplings, comprising of FMCI Director, all the Fathers in the management, the Administrators, Assistant Administrators , Chaplains and resident priests presented a sapling to their bishop as a mark of love and respect. Followed by the governing board members who worked with the bishop towards the growth of the institutions also presented a sapling as a token of appreciation.

It was now the turn of the Dean, Vice Dean and representatives of Fr Muller Medical College and allied health sciences to present a sapling to their Bishop as a mark of respect; Fr Muller Homeopathic College Administrator, Assistant Administrator, Principal, and other representatives also presented a sapling to the Bishop as a token of gratitude; Fr Muller College of Nursing Principal and representatives; and the Principal and representatives of Fr Muller School of Nursing; Principal and representatives of Fr Muller Speech and Hearing; Administrators , Assistant Administrator, Chief of Medical Services , Medical Superintendent, Chief Nursing Officer of Fr Muller Medical College and Hospital; the Administrator, Medical Superintendent ,Nursing in-charge and representatives of Fr Muller Thumbay hospital-they all presented a sapling to the Bishop as a token of appreciation.

Honoured by Bishop’s distinguished work in numerous capacities, a man of distinct vision and a fountainhead of illuminating ideas, the teaching, non teaching faculty and students of the all the institutions dedicate a Felicitation Song “May the good Lord Bless and Keep You….” originally sung by American singer Jim Reeves, to their dear Bishop. Monsingeur Denis Moras Prabhu – Vicar Genearal of Mangaluru Diocese who has served the Catholic brethren for over ten years, was also felicitated on the occasion by Bishop Aloysius D’souza, along with various representatives of FMCI.

An idol of knowledge and experience and a true inspiration to the Catholic brethren of Mangaluru diocese and FMCI, it was time for Bishop Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D’souza to share his thoughts, memories and his message to the audience, where he said, ” With mixed feelings I express my humble thanks and gratitude for all the love and appreciation you all have shown to me today, and also through all these years. Like Rome was not built on one day, similarly was FMCI, but with all the hard work, dedication, sacrifice and commitment put in by the doctors, nurses and other staff, this Health Care Empire has grown to greater heights and has become a brand name. With the motto ‘Heal and Comfort;, FMCI has served thousands of patients, and last year Rs 35 crores was spent on discounts given to patients”

” All this service done through the 137 existence of Fr Muller Hospital was mainly due to the support and through the hands of God. ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ said Jesus Christ, and similarly is what FMCI is doing for others. The success of FMCI was due to the hard work and commitment put in by the doctors, nurses and others to earn name and fame, as one of the best heath care provider in the City, and beyond. Remember whatever you do for the poor and less-privileged, you are doing it for God. Thank you for your love and appreciation all my 22 years being among you all. Even though I am leaving FMCI, but it will still remain in my hearts, and I am anticipating to see many more accomplishments and infrastructures at this prestigious and renowned Institution. May God bless you all” added Bishop.

Mangaluru diocese Bishop Designated Rev Fr Peter Paul Saldanha also graced the occasion on the dais. Fr Rudolph D’sa- Administrator, FMMCH; Fr Ajith Menezes- Administrator, FMMC; Fr Vincent Saldanha- Administrator, FMHMCH and HPD; Fr Roshan Crasta- Administrator, FMHT; Fr George J Sequeira- Administrator, FMMCH; Fr Sylvester Lobo- Asst Administrator, FHMCH & HPD; Dr Jayaprakash Alva- Dean, FMMC; Dr Kiran Shetty- Medical superintendent, Fr Muller Hospital-Thumbay, Dr among others were present for the occasion.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Fr Rudolph Ravi D’sa to deliver the vote of thanks, and the formal function ended with the institutional anthem. The entire programme was professionally compered by Dr Nicole Pereira- Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology; and Dr Karen Castelino- Assistant Professor, Dept of Forensic Medicine, both at Fr Muller Medical College. I end this report with the thought-provoking lyrics from the song “May The Good Lord Bless and Keep You..” by American Singer Jim Reeves, as a tribute to Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D’souza :

“May The Good Lord Bless And Keep You”

May the good Lord bless and keep you
Whether near or far away
May you find that long awaited
Golden day today

May your troubles all be small ones
And your fortunes ten times ten
May the good Lord bless and keep you
Till we meet again

May you walk with sunlight shining
And a bluebird in every tree
May there be a silver lining
Back of every cloud you see

Fill your dreams with sweet tomorrows
Never mind what might have been
May the good Lord bless and keep you
Till we meet again

(May you walk with sunlight shining)
And a bluebird in every tree
(May there be a silver lining)
Back of every cloud you see

Fill your dreams with sweet tomorrows
Never mind what might have been
May the good Lord bless and keep you
Till we meet again

May the good Lord bless and keep you
Till we meet, (Till we meet)
Till we meet again…

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