Home Mangalorean News Local News FMMCH ‘Angels of Mercy’ Celebrate Intl’ Nurses Day ’16

FMMCH ‘Angels of Mercy’ Celebrate Intl’ Nurses Day ’16

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“Women should have the true nurse calling, the good of the sick first the second only the consideration of what is their ‘place’ to do – and that women who want for a housemaid to do this or the charwomen to do that, when the patient is suffering, have not the making of a nurse in them”- Florence Nightingale

“Let me dedicate my life today to the care of those who come my way. Let me touch each one with healing hands and the gentle art for which I stand. And when tonight when the day is done, oh let me rest in peace if I have helped just one…”–A nurses prayer by Teri Thompson.

Mangalore: The International Nurses Day commemorates on the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale. The International Council of Nurses observes this day every year with the production and distribution of the International Nurses Day Kit which contains educational and public information materials, for use by nurses everywhere. The theme of the 2016 Nurses Day is “Nurses: A Force For Change-Improving Health Systems’ Resilience”. This year’s theme focuses on how nurses can make an enormous impact on the resilience of health systems, with its capacity to respond, adapt and strengthen when exposed to a shock, such as a disease outbreak, natural disaster, or conflict.


We should all know that Nurses, who are nicknamed as “Angels of Mercy” are the hospitality of the hospital, they lead very demanding lives. Working with doctors, healing patients and educating the communities are just a few of the responsibilities nurses perform on a daily basis. In fact you could say that nurses are the backbone of our healthcare care system, providing us with the attention and medical care that we need to live health long-lasting lives. Sometimes being a nurse can be exhausting at times, but the knowledge and power to help heal others is what keeps them going in challenging times. And while nurses are strong spirited, positive and focused even they need a little pick me up every once in a while – like complimenting them for their well-done job or appreciating their dedication and commitment to patients and health-care.

The Nursing Service Department of Father Muller Medical College Hospital, observed International Nurses Day at the Silver Jubilee Hall of the Medical College Hospital here on May 12, 2016 from 10.30 am onwards. The programme began with invoking God’s blessing, followed by welcome address by Sr Aileen Mathias- Chief Nursing Officer at FMMCH. Portraits of Fr Muller and Florence Nightingale were garlanded by the dignitaries on the dais namely-Prof. Irene Veigas-Principal, Sahyadri College of Nursing; Rev Fr Richard Coelho- Administrator-FMMCH; Rev Fr Rudolph Ravi D’Sa- Administrator,FMMC; Mrs Mary Lasrado- Nursing Superintendent; Sr Aileen Mathias- Chief Nursing Officer and Rudresh -Organizing Secretary and Assistant Nursing Superintendent at FMMC. Rudresh read the report of activities. Veteran Nurse-Mrs Cheriyol K Nair was felicitated and honored for her service and dedication towards the profession.

Prior to this felicitation and cultural programme, a Holy Eucharistic Celebrations was held at St Joseph’s Chapel-FMCI at 7.30 am this morning with Rev Fr Richard Coelho-Administrator,FMMCH as the main celebrant, and also joined by Fr Felix Monteiro-Spiritual Director at Fr Mullers’ Charitable Institutions and Fr Ajith Menezes- Assistant Administrator,FMMCH. In his homily, Fr Ajith Menezes said, ” Services of nurses are recognized by the world and their contribution towards society is tremendous. The nurses can educate and inform the mass on the health aspects and issues. Nurses can move the world, if they determine to do so. Nurses should work in unity at the hospital, and also with dedication and commitment towards service to the patients”. And the student choir during the mass simply “rocked with rocking hymns” which kept the Holy Eucharistic Celebrations quite lively.

Prizes were distributed among the winners of cultural and co-curricular activities during the formal function. Appreciating the felicitation given to her, veteran nurse Mrs Cheriyol Nair said, ” It’s indeed a honor to be felicitated among all you nurses gathered here. During my nursing years I got encouragement and guidance from my mentors and management staff. We need to work with a formula, which I call CASH (Not money) but it stands for-Confident, Alertness, Sincerity, and Hard Work. More than theory we need to do more practicals. you need to be alert, be faithful to your colleagues, there is no substitute for hard work, and there are no holidays for nurses. Nurses are needed any time of the day or any day. You need to meet and greet your patients with smile, and address them by their names.Remember nursing is a sacred profession, and practise it with dignity and pride.”

Chief guest Prof. Irene Veigas in her address to the audience said, ” Nurses should do more practicals than theory. You need to maintain your health and well-being. Develop your priorities, and search ways where you can actively work. Plan your time, be diligent, intelligent and innovative. Adaptability, learning and flexibility should be your motto. You need to take care of your patients with smile. Always respect your institution and the management personnel. You should be the children of the hospital, and hospital should be your other home. A nurse knows the strength of gentleness, gives the gift of kindness and lives a life of caring-these should be your qualities. Remember a nurse is like an angel spreading hope to those they help each day. May God bless you all nurses who are committed to the betterment of the sick and the suffering, both young and old.”

Administrator, Rev Fr Richard Coelho in his presidential address said, “Nurses are the back-bone of the Father Muller Institutions.. Experience and wisdom are the strength of nurses. Potential, Love, Sympathy, Good Will and Attitude of nurses should aim in improving in each aspects and grow better every day. The love and sympathy of nurses helps not only the patients but also the patient’s party. The institution has a tradition of research for several decades- a glimpse into the past reveals the dedication behind grooming nurses with the noble motto. “Search, Share, Care”. The alumni of the college is spread globally at various levels as educators, administrators and researchers and serving the sick and suffering with the touch of “Heal and Comfort”. upholding the motto of Father Muller Charitable Institutions. The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking a place beside the physician and the priest. Nurses dispense comfort, compassion, and caring without even a prescription.Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon. I feel proud to say that our institution has provided the best nurses who are serving throughout the nation and abroad, making a difference in the health care.”

Mrs Mary Lasrado proposed the vote of thanks, while the entire formal function was compered by Natasha Mathias and Jasmine Marie Lobo, while the cultural part was compered by Jevit D’souza- all nursing students. Nurses can not only serve and care for the patients, they also can perform and entertain with their hidden talents that was unleashed by students of various nursing colleges namely Bethany College of Nursing, Mangala College of Nursing, Colaco College of Nursing, Vidyarathna College of Nursing, Alva’s College of Nursing and off course, Fr Muller College of Nursing. The entertainment comprised of dance, songs, mime, Indian Fusion dance, Western Dance, variety show and Remix dance, which simply enthralled the audience and every one went “Wow!”

In conclusion, we need to appreciate what the nurses do. They give tender loving care from day to day, giving encouragement and hope in their special way. With loving hands they heal the hurt. They are full of concern and commitment. Their special, caring ways touch so many lives. They are compassionate and dedicated to their profession-all of this makes a Nurse. Their caring makes a true difference. Their comforting words and skillful healing touch makes them so special. So next time you respect and thank your doctors, also respect and thank the nurses too-because the nurses are really the doers. Having a nurse in the family is like having a doctor, because a nurse knows most what a doctor knows.

Nurses have a tremendous knowledge of health care, and their love and caring is impeccable. And I know it since both my sister-in-laws who did their nursing studies at Fr Muller’s (now settled in USA) had shown those qualities towards me when I was their young brother-in-law. When doctors and patients become demanding, nurses choose to serve with grace and spiritual beauty in India and abroad. Around the clock, they serve the patients, not only checking their vitals, but also making sure they are comfortable and giving them emotional support. The only time I disliked some nurses when they stuck that needle into my buttock with force-how mean?

Like always when I do a Fr Muller Institution event report, I always end it with Fr Muller Institution Anthem which is very dear to my heart :

“We come to comfort and to heal, to love and serve in woe and weal

We come to comfort and to heal, to love and serve in woe and weal”-Chorus.

Let a mighty chorus swell and soar beyond the skies

As white robed bands with healing hands to daily tasks arise,

And eager limbs await their hour with aching, grim surmise

While fading visions float before half open, gleam-less eyes.

Let the name Augustus Muller proudly write in gold

Flame across Karnataka’s vast and Bharat’s millions hold,

In admiration of his zeal whose vision bright & bold

In Mangaluru’s fair bosom raised its home of peace untold.

Hail! dear home where tender care beguiles disease and pain

Where love divine inspires & lifts the failing heart or brain.

Live on and grow till human kind its destiny attain

And healing reach on wheels and wings the distant home or plain.

Come, Doctor, live your noble Hippocrate’s bequest

Come, Nurse, by Nightingale inspired, forget your broken rest,

Come all who soothe in ways unsung Humanity’s unrest

Let’s all as one, with love pursue the toil by millions blest.

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Sr Aileen
8 years ago

Thank you very much Alfi. Praises to mangalorean.com, Mrs Violet for recognising the dedicated service by the nurses. God bless you and your families.

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