Home Mangalorean News Local News Globe Travels Continues Its Long Time Tradition of ‘Monthi Festh’ Novena,, Since...

Globe Travels Continues Its Long Time Tradition of ‘Monthi Festh’ Novena,, Since 1984

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Globe Travels Continues Its Long Time Tradition of ‘Monthi Festh’ Novena,  Since 1984

 Mangaluru: We have seen and heard of Catholic Churches in the City, having the nine-day Novena prior to the feast of , Monthi Festh’, which is celebrated on 8 September, every year- but a Business observing the similar Novena to mark Monthi Festh, is something unique – and GLOBE TRAVELS, managed by William D’souza, one of the siblings from the well-known Puttur Souza Brothers, is the only travel agency in India known for its catholic pilgrimage tours in India and experts in visa and international flights and tours, have this great tradition of reading the scripture every day with all staff attending the same, during the 9-day Novena. The scripture is read by each staff member and they give a short reflection of the reading, followed by the prayer for their customers and for their families.

This Novena tradition which started ever since Globe Travels opened in 1984, still continues even today- and Team Mangalorean had the opportunity to visit their Office this morning ( Saturday, 5 September) to join in the Novena. This year the Novena of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary started on 30 August, and will culminate on Her Birthday on 8 September. The Novena starts at around 9.15 am every day, with the scripture reading, reflection and prayer, followed by singing the old traditional hymn “Sakkad Sagantha Melaye, Moriyek Hogalsiya……”. and each staff and their family members offer flowers to Mother Mary and then William D’Souza, the owner of Globe travels offers a very meaningful and personal prayer to Mother Mary. But this year, special prayer was offered for seeking Blessed Mother Mary’s intercession to eradicate the deadly Corona Virus, and to keep people in peace, happiness and good health!!

The Beauty of this short prayer service is, the entire staff along with their boss, pray for their customers and their families during the entire Novena period, for they firmly believe that the customer at their office is their bread earner. And Team Mangalorean found out that this tradition at Globe Travels has continued ever since the office opened in 1984 and they are always proud of their customers !! The staff at Globe Travels are predominately mixed, Christian and Hindus- and they treat each other equally and one in the eyes of God. They are like ONE HAPPY FAMILY- and whoever visits this travel agency once, will always come back, for the kind hospitality, and for their service with a smile and courtesy.

The friendly staff at Globe Travels, located in Souza Arcade, Balmatta Road, Mamgaluru comprise of : Mrs Delphine Rosa Maria D’souza (Manager); Ms Preethi K D’souza (Visa Executive); Ms Sheryl Shifali Mascarenhas ( Tours Executive); Ms Dora Sunil Huns ( Passport Executive); Ms Beena Attavar ( Ticketing Executive); Ms Ashwini V ( Accountant), and Ms Renuka ( Office Assistant) .And this morning irrespective of caste or creed, all the staff joined in the Novena prayer service, also joined by two lovely children-Miss Seanna Leanna Monteiro, the daughter of Joy and Lavina Monteiro of Paldane; and Master Harshraj, the son of Vijay Kumar and Rubi from Babugudda, both in City. The prayer service ended with goodies (candies, cakes etc) offered by William to everyone present- with the two kids getting extra goodies, from Uncle Willy!

During this Pandemic, Globe is the only travel agency which kept open their office from May 2020 to serve the customers who had been stranded to return to their hometown, especially foreign nationals. Globe had also introduced international cruises to New Mangalore Port ever since they opened their office at Mangaluru, and more than 40 thousands of foreign nationals had visited this coastal town through cruises. William D’Souza, is the only Director of Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association(UFTAA), Monaco from India. UFTAA is the world association of all national travel associations and closely connected to IATA- International Air Transport Association which is the head of all airlines of the world!!

It should be noted that Christians all over the world will be celebrating the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM) or simply the birthday of Mary, the Mother of our savior Jesus Christ, as well as our Heavenly Mother. The birthday of Blessed Virgin Mary which is celebrated with the blessing of the new corn and family meal is one of the great celebrations of the Konkani Catholic community residing all over the world. People living in the West coast of India, Christians celebrate this feast as’ Nove- Jevnche ‘ or in other words ‘ Festival of Harvest’ . The people use this occasion to salute the kindness of the divine powers and earn their kindness. This is also the festival in which they thankfully acknowledge the kindness of Mother Nature and mother earth for the bounteous crops.

For the Catholic Christians in “Rome of the East”, as Mangaluru is called, the traditional family feast “Monthi Festh” celebrated after nine days of novena is an integral part of the culture, which reminds them of their original roots. This festival which falls every year on 8 September, celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and in the Mangalorean Catholic community involves blessing of Novem (new crop). The festival derives its name from the Monte Mariano Church at Farangipet in South Canara (now called Dakshina Kannada), and was initiated by Joachim Miranda, a Goan Catholic priest at Farangipet in 1763. The Church is also also known as Mount of Mary.

Monthi Festh represents the symbol of family unity, which is celebrated with joy and happiness as it is the harvest festival as well. It is the celebration of family bonds, filial relationships and a feast which makes us aware that we are very much part of nature around us bringing us closer to Mother Nature. It is really amazing to see that all Konkani Catholics unite wherever they are spread across the Globe with one spirit and zeal and make it a point to celebrate this great festival of Monti fest all over the world. They continue to celebrate Monthi fest in whatever way they can in their countries and enjoy the nostalgia connected with their own families and parishes back home. And here at Globe Travels, William D’souza-the owner and his staff, join in this festive like members of ONE family, with One Spirit and Zeal in celebrating the Festh.

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