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Golden Threads of Gratitude – Celebrating Lifelong Service

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Golden Threads of Gratitude – Celebrating Lifelong Service

‘The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes’ says Frank Lloyd Wright. Amidst the embrace of a resplendent day, imbued with vitality and zeal. The senior sisters crossed the threshold of Bethany Provincialate, Vamanjoor, marking a singular juncture to extend heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for their invaluable and unwavering commitment to both the Congregation and society.

The ceremonial proceedings unfolded at the auspicious hour of 10:00 am, with Sr Roshel invoking divine blessings upon all the participants.

A group of 35 elderly sisters, each exceeding the octogenarian milestone, gathered from diverse communities within the Mangalore Province.

Sr Cecilia Mendonca, the Provincial Superior, extended a warm welcome, applauding and expressing gratitude for their enduring presence and dedicated service. She urged them to orient their lives around the person of Jesus.

The celebration continued as Dr Judy Pinto imparted a session brimming with insights, infusing vitality by dispensing wise advice for graceful ageing. Lively participation characterized the subsequent games arranged by Sr Lilly Pereira. The Provincial Superior lauded the winners and bestowed upon them tokens of appreciation extending gratitude to all for contributing to the day’s importance.

Sr Emerita and Sr Lucian delivered the vote of thanks on behalf of the elderly sisters. Sr Shubha compered the entire programme.

A fellowship meal was served fostering moments of relaxation and joy as the ‘senior sisters’ day’ crystallized into a golden opportunity for precious moments.

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