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Grand Finale of Annual Feast marks 120th Birthday of ‘St Anthony’s Ashram’ in Zeal

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Grand Finale of Annual Feast marks 120th Birthday of ‘St Anthony’s Ashram’ in Zeal

Mangaluru: It was 120 years ago on 12 June 1898 Msgr M.P.Colaco started Novena to Saint Anthony at Milagres Church. Innumerable people without caste and creed have received favours from God through the powerful intercession of Saint Anthony during the past 120 years. On the following day 13 June the feast of Saint Anthony was celebrated solemnly. Thereafter, Msgr Colaco started celebrating Holy Mass every Tuesday at the altar of the Saint and conducted novena prayers. The response from the people was beyond all expectations. Not only the parishioners of Milagres but many faithful from other parishes in and around Mangaluru and even from places beyond the town limits began to flock to these Tuesday devotions. It is an occasion for all of us to thank God for the blessings showered on us because of this devotion to Saint Anthony.

At this ashram, Saint Anthony’s solidarity has reached out to those who need it most. Although St Anthony has left the world with a great legacy of teachings and has set the priests a glorious example of charity, of what it means to be there for the poorest of the poor. The Priests and the management at St Anthony’s Charity Institutes are daily engaged in the task of practicing this great mission which the Saint has enjoined upon them: to spread the Gospel and to practice Charity. Thanks to the dear donors, St Anthony’s Charity Institutes have reached greater heights in serving the destitute and disabled. The Institutes assist those suffering loneliness and deprivation – In the Saint’s name, they reach out to the remotest, most forsaken everywhere, forsaken even by hope itself. This has been made possible through the solidarity of countless friends. At the heart of each project is Saint Anthony’s driving force. This is why they act with the will to promote the well-being of every person, to restore them dignity and the power to forge a brighter future for themselves.

And 120 years later, the devotional practices still continue. And 12 June 2018 will be remembered as a historic and memorable day when ‘St Anthony’s Ashram’ celebrated 120 years in existence serving the Homeless and Destitute. To mark this celebration Most Rev. Bernard Moras, Emeritus Archbishop of Bangalore preside over the thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration on June 12th at 6 pm at Milagres Church. Rev Moras had served the Ashram from 1968-1970 as an Asst Director. In his homily, Archbishop Moras said that the seed of devotion planted by Msgr M.P. Colaco has grown far and wide beyond imagination. At the end of the Holy Mass the Archbishop was felicitated as he has served the Institutes from 1968 to 1970. The Archbishop then felicitated the former directors and Asst directors who had served the Institutes in the past. Fr Onil D’Souza the director of the Institutes conducted the Novena. More than two thousand people participated in the devotion and celebration

On the Final day of the celebrations, on June 13th Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza celebrated the festive Mass at 6 pm at Milagres Church. Bishop in his message called on the people to develop love for the people as St Anthony did during his short life of thirty-six years. He said, “Though he lived a short life he left a legacy of good works to be appreciated, admired and lived. He had the gift of preaching and performing miracles. He used them for the good of others and never for his own benefit. That is why he is loved and venerated by the devotees even after eight centuries of his death. His powerful intercession is felt by people especially when they are in need.” The Bishop called on the people to share blessings with less fortunate as that will be the true honour offered to St Anthony on the occasion of his feast.

Earlier on the same day at 10.30 a.m. the Bishop offered Holy Mass at Jeppu Ashram. He then blessed the foundation stone to be laid for a 100 bed state of the art building to be constructed at the campus to house mentally ill people. A two storied building which will accommodated fifty men and fifty women. It will have all the facilities to take care of the mentally ill people. This block will be constructed in memory of the completion of 120 years of service of the Charity Institutes. The Chief Guest Ivan D’Souza the Chief Whip of Karnataka Govt switched on the blue print of the building on the huge LED screen placed on the stage. He also promised Rs 5 Lakhs on behalf of the Govt for the new building. This was followed by a forty five minutes Konkani Drama Saint Anthony Saint of Miracles. The concept of the Drama and creation was done Mr Vincent Fernandes from Cascia Church, script and direction was provided by John M. Permannur.

Also on 13 June, Msgr Denis Moras Prabhu the Vicar General of the Diocese offered a Holy Mass in the morning at 8.15 a.m. at Milagres Church. Fr Jacob Milton from St Joseph Seminary offered Holy Mass in Malayalam at Milagres at 4.30 p.m. Fr Onil D’Souza, the director on behalf of Fr Francis D’Souza, the administrator and Fr Thrishan D’Souza,the Asst director welcomed and thanked sponsors, volunteers who have been working tirelessly for the last few days to make the celebration meaningful one. He also thanked all the devotees and invoked God’s choice blessings on them through the intercession of St Anthony. 35 priests and three thousand devotees participated in the celebration.

Earlier to the last two days of the celebrations, as part of the 120th Anniversary and Feast celebration, TREDECINA (thirteen days Novena) started from 31st May in preparation for the annual feast celebrated on 13th June. The thirteen days novena comprised of Rosary, Adoration, Holy Mass and Novena. As an immediate preparation for the feast, TRIDUUM ( 3 days) began on Sunday 10th June, lasting for three days held at Milagres Church-Rev Fr Cyprian D’Souza(Capuchin) inaugurated the Triduum by hoisting Saint Anthony’s flag at Milagres Church at 5.45 pm on Sunday the 10th of June. He then celebrated the Holy Mass. Rev Fr Dolphi Serrao(Capuchin) preached a homily on ‘Saint Anthony-hope for the destitute and distressed’. In his preaching he said Jesus went about preaching and casting out the devils. The Jewish leaders who were jealous of his fame and popularity accused him of casting out devils by the power of chief of evil. Jesus unmindful of accusation went about doing good.

The Shrine attracts people from all over India and even from abroad. Lot of people from around the globe have visited the Shrine during the past 120 years and have received innumerable favours through the powerful intercession of St Anthony. People irrespective of caste and creed have prayed to St Anthony and have received blessings from God through his intercession. Besides the devotion part hundreds of destitute have been looked after for decades under the Patronage of St Anthony at Jeppu. And they have been supported by the devotees of St Anthony. St Anthony through the generosity of his devotees takes care of the little ones of Jesus at Jeppu Ashram. Hence it is an apt occasion to thank God for the gift of St Anthony to the Universal Church and to Mangaluru in particular. Support St Anthony’s Ashram, and you will be abundantly blessed!

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