Home Agency News Gurugram: Badshahpur constituency will see rapid development, claims BJP candidate

Gurugram: Badshahpur constituency will see rapid development, claims BJP candidate

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Gurugram: Badshahpur constituency will see rapid development, claims BJP candidate

Gurugram: BJP candidate from Badshahpur Assembly constituency and former minister Rao Narbir Singh said that there is a great need to improve basic facilities all over Gurugram including Badshahpur.




“Most of the government schools and hospitals here are in a bad condition. The weak hands leading Badshahpur during the last five years are responsible for these conditions. If the people of Badshahpur support him and send him to the Assembly, then every government school in Gurugram will become a model school like a private school,” he said.


Rao Narbir Singh said that during the last 20 years, the condition of Gurugram has changed rapidly. The population here has exceeded 30 lakhs but the resources are still limited. The common man of Gurugram is still not able to get the full benefit of government facilities because the arrangements here have never been given proper attention.


He further said in 2014, the people of Badshahpur elected him to the Vidhan Sabha and the BJP government made him a cabinet minister.


Singh, while explaining his plan, said that this time he wants to improve the system of government schools and government medical facilities.


“There are 827 government schools in Gurugram. To make all these government schools model schools, cooperation will be taken from multinational companies. There are more than 400 MNC offices here, with whose help the condition of every government school will be improved and made the best,” he added.


Apart from this, it is necessary to have four civil hospitals in the four corners of Gurugram.


“There should also be four vegetable markets here so that the people of this city with a population of millions do not have to face any kind of problem. I also want to build a dozen more underpasses and flyovers in Gurugram so that there is no problem at all,” he asserted.


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