Home Agency News Gurugram Police seize over Rs 4 crore in pre-poll raids

Gurugram Police seize over Rs 4 crore in pre-poll raids

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Gurugram Police seize over Rs 4 crore in pre-poll raids

Gurugram: Gurugram Police have seized Rs 4.20 crore of illegal material including 1.53 crore of cash in the past ten days ahead of the Assembly election in Haryana scheduled for October 5.




The cash seized by the police was supposed to be used in the Assembly elections.


According to the police they have recorded Rs 4.20 core of illegal materials including Rs 1.5 crore and also seized over 1 crore of illegal liquor, illegal drugs worth Rs 1.60 crore and Rs 6.10 valued illegal arms.


With the Election Commission having issued strict instructions to curb the illegal movement of drugs, liquor and cash, interstate and interdistrict checkpoints have been set up across the state, including Gurugram district.


The police, in collaboration with paramilitary forces, have set up checkpoints at different locations to monitor the movement of vehicles.


Police said during checking the suspects with these illegal materials were unable to provide satisfactory explanations for carrying such large amounts of cash, leading to its seizure by the police.


The seized cash has been handed over to the Special Task Force (STF), which will conduct further investigations as per the regulations. The police are trying to find out the destination of the cash.


Keeping in mind the assembly elections to be held on October 5, effective action is being taken by the Gurugram Police to ensure compliance with the rules laid down by the Election Commission and the District Administration.


“Police is continuously taking action against those possessing/smuggling, transferring illegal liquor and illegal cash during elections with the aim of completing the elections in a fair, peaceful manner,” Sandeep Kumar, Spokesperson of the Gurugram Police said.


He said that keeping cash of more than 50,000 during elections is a violation of the rules of the code of conduct.


“If more than 50,000 cash is found during checking, the cash is seized and handed over to the STF team as per rules,” he said.


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