Harmony Vehicle Rally Brings Devotees of St Lawrence Church & Shrine Bondel together

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Harmony Vehicle Rally Brings Devotees of St Lawrence Church & Shrine Bondel together

Mangaluru: On Sunday November 10th, the much-anticipated (ಸೌಹಾರ್ದ ವಾಹನ ಜಾಥಾ) Harmony Vehicle Rally took place, starting at 4 p.m. from Pachanady, Circle to St Lawrence Church & Shrine. The program began with a prayer led by Assistant Parish Priest Rev. Fr William D’Souza, setting a devotional tone for the gathering. Parish Priest Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza welcomed the gathering and the Chief guests, including Police Inspector Shri Shivkumar K. R. from Vamanjoor Police Station and V.Rev.Fr James Dsouza, the Vicar Forane of the City Deanery and Parish priest of Vamanjoor.

The guest, V.Rev.Fr James Dsouza, was welcomed with a shawl and a flower bouquet by Vice President Mr John D’Silva, while Police Inspector Sri Shivkumar K.R was welcomed by Rev.Fr William D’Souza.

In his message V.Rev.Fr James Dsouza emphasized the significance of the event, reminding the gathered devotees of Jesus’ journey to Mount Calvary and his redemptive sacrifice on the cross. He congratulated the parish priest and the clergy on the well-organized event and expressed blessings for the upcoming programs.

Police Inspector Shri Shivkumar K. R. , Vamanjoor Police Station shared his heartfelt wishes for the centenary celebrations, encouraging all present and blessing the assembled devotees.

Among the dignitaries were Rev. Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza, V. Rev.Fr James D’Souza Shri, D. K. Shivkumar, Fr. William D’Souza Asst. Parish Priest Rev. Fr Peter Gonsalves Principal St Lawrence Eng. Med. School, Rev. Fr Vincent Saldanha, Rev.Fr Pramod Crasta, Br Balaswamy along with the Vice President- Mr John D’Silva ,Mr Santhosh Misquith Secretary, Parish Pastoral Council Members Mr Prakash Pinto Shrine Convener, Dr Preethi D’Souza Cultural Committee Convener Mr Manoj Lewis Convener of Commission.

The rally was marked by the release of balloons by distinguished guests, symbolizing peace and harmony. The procession included a historic 100-year-old Holy Cross and the Christ the Redeemer statue, both carried to the renovated St. Lawrence Church & Shrine.

Rev. Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza led the devotees in prayer, with the Holy Cross and Redeemer statue placed in the renovated church. The program concluded with a Thanksgiving hymn and prayer led by Rev. Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza.

The programme was compered by Rev. Fr Peter Gonsalves, Principal of St. Lawrence School, and special acknowledgments were extended during the vote of thanks to Vice President Mr John D’Silva, Mr Gregory Pinto, Mr. Jason Fernandes, Cultural Committee Members, Mr. Rudy Pinto, Parish Council Members, and volunteers.

A large number of parishioners gathered with deep devotion, making this event a memorable occasion and a significant moment in the lead-up to the centenary celebration.. Refreshments were provided to all the devotees who gathered.

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