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Health is Wealth! St Aloysius College Students get a Health Check-Up to Stay Healthy & Active

Mangaluru: Eating junk food like Burgers, Pizzas, fries, hot dogs etc right outside the College campus at the shacks located on the Light House Hill Road will not keep these Young Aloysians ( studying at St Aloysius College, Mangaluru) Healthy-instead they have to opt and switch to non-junk food to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. ‘Health is Wealth’ is a famous saying that refers to the importance of health to us and reveals that health is wealth. If we are not healthy (do not feel in the state of physical, mental and social well being), wealth means nothing to us. So, our health is a real wealth; we should always try to be healthy.
It is very true that Health is Wealth. As it is only our good health which stays with us in any bad or good circumstances. Nobody in this world can help us in bad times. So, if our health is good, we can bear any bad circumstances in our life. If one is not healthy, he/she would definitely suffer health-related or other difficulties in life instead of enjoying life. In order to maintain good health we need to eat balanced food, daily mild exercises, fresh air, clean water, maintain good posture, enough sleep and rest, maintain cleanliness, regular medical check-ups, follow our elders, parents, and teachers etc.

For getting fit we need to maintain standard and healthy eating. We should follow the regime like “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise”, “Time and Tide waits for none”, etc. We should maintain our good personal hygiene in order to get healthy. Good health keeps us always happy and gives us a feeling of complete physical, mental, social and intellectual well-being. Good health keeps us away from diseases and health disorders. The loss of good health causes loss of all happiness. A great freedom fighter, Mahatma Gandhi has said that “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver”.

In such a busy life, where after college hours are glued to their mobile phones browsing through Whatsapp messages and songs and polluted environment, it is very hard for everyone to maintain good health and live a healthy life. It needs a careful watch and regular medical check-up to get healthy. Nowadays, good health is just like a boon given by God. It is very fact that good health is the real money in life. If one is healthy, he/she does not need to spend money on his/her health in buying medicines or visiting doctors. A healthy person just needs to spend some money only on his health on a regular basis. However, on the other hand, a lazy, diseased or sluggish person needs to spend more money throughout his life. It is very necessary to pursue our academic career or once graduated from college to get a job and earn money for fulfilling some basic needs. However, it is also necessary to live a healthy and peaceful life which needs good health.

Dr Mohammed Guthigar, in his address, said that the lifestyle of the youth has been spoiled by adopting the fast-food culture. He suggested that all should make it a habit to have green vegetables and drink more water. He advised students to avoid using too much of mobile phones which will deteriorate the memory as well as health. He said that youth are attracted by various kinds of unhealthy substances and spoil their future. He urged the students to make a habit of having food in a disciplined manner to maintain good health. Physical exercise and balanced food habits create a sound mind and sound body, he added.Principal, Rev. Dr Praveen Martis SJ, in his presidential remarks, appreciated the organizers and the team of Doctors from Yenepoya Medical College for the medical services offered to students and staff of our college through this medical camp. He also suggested to students to adopt the best way to maintain good health by adopting healthy eating habits and say goodbye to the fast food and beverages.

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Very nice implementation