Home Mangalorean News Local News We Highlighted It, MCC Fixed It!

We Highlighted It, MCC Fixed It!

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Within 48 hours of the report “Death Trap! Open Manholes Pose Threat to Lives”, where manholes during construction were left open posing a threat to lives, near Mount Carmel Central School-Mary Hill vicinity, being published in our website, MCC rectified the issue by closing the manholes. Lives Saved!

Mangaluru: In the past, many reports pertaining to civic issues like bad roads, huge potholes, broken footpaths, dilapidated public toilets, non-working traffic lights, etc. etc., highlighted through our website has earned quite good results, with the concerned authorities rectifying those issues within hours or days. No doubt, media has an effect to fix solutions/issues which are unattended or neglected by the government, district or city administration officials when it comes to the safety of the people. Here is yet another effect of media power.

death-trap-open-manholes-pose-threat-to-lives (13)


Couple of days ago, when Team Mangalorean noticed a safety hazard issue, we took no time in highlighting it through our portal. The hazardous issue was about a few manholes that were being newly constructed on the road near to Mount Carmel Central School-Mary Hill, Mangaluru, which were left open posing a danger to pedestrians and also motorists. These open manholes were left without any barricades or warning signs posing a threat to lives. Also with a MCCS children’s play area very close to these manholes, there were chances that some kid may fall into one of these manholes while running or walking around that area. How careless could MCC and the contractor, who are at the helm of the construction of manholes, be to leave them open?


We received good news from Sr Melissa AC, Principal of Mount Carmel Central School, saying that the manholes have been covered, thereby preventing anyone from falling into these pits. Sr Melissa said, “I would like to thank Mangalorean.com for highlighting this safety issue in regard to the safety of our school children who walk on that road. I would also like to thank the people from the MCC who took quick action in rectifying the problem. But I would really appreciate it if the concerned authorities of this project also clear the mud/rocks that are also hazardous. Another safety issue that I want to bring to the notice of MCC is that of the flooded rain water getting stranded at the beginning of the road which causes a lot of inconvenience for school children to cross the road, and also for the parents who bring their kids on two-wheelers. This road is also full of potholes, and when these potholes are filled with rain water, vehicles traveling on them splash the muddy water on school children walking on that stretch of road. This entire road is in a pathetic condition, which needs to be repaired at the earliest. Hoping these safety issues will be rectified soon. Thanks once again, Team Mangalorean and Team MCC!”

Having well said by Sr Melissa AC about the road, I decided to take a ride on this dilapidated road filled with pot holes, and to my surprise I noticed that this road also led to the residence of IGP-Western Range, Jeji Arun Chakravarthy. It would have been of great help to the pedestrians who walk on this stretch of the road, if the IGP had taken some initiative in communicating with the concerned district administration officials in repairing the dilapidated road”.

If you look around the city, there are several open manholes posing a serious threat to the lives of the people. Be it the posh localities or suburban areas, open manholes can be seen everywhere. Despite several incidents in the past where people have fallen in these manholes and suffered injuries, Mangaluru City Corporation has never paid heed to cover them up while they are being constructed. Pedestrians and motorists have been seriously injured due to such mishaps. But the municipal authorities have learnt no lesson from these incidents and as a result, these dangerous death traps are lying open. The problem with MCC is that they wait for an accident to happen before they fix the problem. No doubt, as always when it comes to the safety of the citizens, MCC gives a damn about it. As concerned citizens we should not keep quite, instead bring such kinds of civic issues to the knowledge of the concerned civic authorities or call our office (0824-4252851 or email info@mangalorean.com) if you see any safety hazard issues, we will highlight it. Complain..complain..raise your voices, till safety hazards are fixed.

Also Read Related Article Below :

Death Trap! Open Manholes Pose Threat to Lives


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8 years ago


Manohar Kumar
8 years ago

Mangaluru City Corporation officials will only wake up after an accident takes place, until then they will be in deep sleep. Journos like you are the only ones that could bring a change in the administration that could help this city to a “Smart City”–if not this city will remain dumb and not smart.

Joe D'Souza
8 years ago

Mr Alfie,complaint to MCC is like Dog Chasing the tail. I call almost everyday regarding the death traps around the City. But I had to call almost dozen times or visit the office of in-charge with Photos to prove. Junior Engineers don’t give a damn even after told by Chief Executive Engineers. I have witnessed it. Even when I tell them,they cross question Me,but they do not understand that We tax Payers pay their wages. They think that they do favors. But the result of all this efforts at my cost of driving,photo processing and my time is like Pouring… Read more »

Original r.pai
8 years ago

How can things change when the same complaining people refuse to admit the real failure on part of elected reps from this Somalian city ? ? It’s much easier to blame some Engineer while ignoring the political masters at the top, Isn’t it ?

8 years ago
Reply to  Original r.pai

”’How can things change when the same complaining people refuse to admit THE REAL failure on part of elected reps from this Somalian city (and a space and a ‘?, ‘yettanoddha’ space and a ‘?’ It’s much easier to blame some Engineer while ignoring political masters at the top, isn’t it? – Yumreeki Thyampanne

Lol! So, it is quite fair to put the 56 inch chest(ed) PM of GREATER SOMALIA for the problems that bog it down? See what a joker you are! But then, i do need my jokes, ya, Rampuji. Keep them coming. 🙂

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

“…it’s quite fair to put the …PM of Greater Somaila for the problems….” writes joker Pinto

How pathetic it is to see you blame the problems of a city on Pradhana Sevaka. I’m sure you have nothing but great compliments for the elected rep from town purely based on religious lines, don’t you? Give a pass to local guy and blame it all on PM!!! LOL If PM has to take care of every town, why do we need those local ‘leaders’ who pose for cameras all the time?? Honestly, what else can I expect from Beef Club?

8 years ago
Reply to  Original R.Pai

How pathetic it is to see you blame the problems of a city on Pradhaaanaaa Sevakaaa. – RampaNNA AGAIN Jeez! What on ‘Akhanda Bharatha’ have I done to deserve such a Dodo? Anyway, I’m a patient chap (that is – when I’m not impatient, and with you, I simply can’t afford to be impatient since I need my daily Jokes from you). So, let me recap to refresh those fast-dwindling grey cells (Or, am I assuming TOO much out here by referring to your existing grey cells?) 😉 : “It’s much easier to blame some Engineer while ignoring the political… Read more »

Original R.Pai
8 years ago
Reply to  Praveen

Can someone please translate the gibberish posted by joker Pinto? I asked him a simple question on his local MLA. In response, he seems to have a nervous breakdown!!!! LOL

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