HJV Leader Jagadish Karanth granted Interim Bail

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HJV Leader Jagadish Karanth granted Interim Bail

Puttur: The HJV leader Jagadish Karanth was released on conditional bail here on September 30.

Jagadish Karanth was arrested in Bengaluru airport in connection with delivering inciting speech against Puttur SI Khader. Jagadish was brought to Puttur Town police station at 11.35 pm.

Later the Puttur police have produced Jagadish Karanth before the judge. On September 30, at 1.30 am Jagadish advocate applied for interim bail in Puttur and the conditional bail was granted by the judge.

As soon as the news of Jagadish Karanth’s arrest spread, members of Hindu organizations gathered in front of the Puttur police station. The police have taken all the necessary measures to avoid any untoward incident from taking place. BJP and Sangh Parivar staged a symbolic protest in Puttur against the arrest of Jagadish Karanth.

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