Holy Mass in Sign Language

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Holy Mass in Sign Language

Bengaluru: A special Holy Mass was celebrated in sign language for the speech and hearing challenged persons in the Archdiocese of Bangalore on the 13th of October at St Patrick’s Church. The first opportunity for the Mass in the sign language in the Archdiocese was organised by the Catholic Deaf Association of India in association with the Commission for the Differently Abled.

The Holy Mass was celebrated by Rev Fr Priyesh and Rev Fr Biju who are experts in the field of sign language. The Holy Mass was attended by hearing and speech challenged persons as well the fraternity with compassion towards them. The Mass was followed by a meeting addressed by Stalin Thomas, President of Catholic Deaf Association of India.

The Commission for Differently Abled, Archdiocese of Bangalore as part of its initiative in reaching out to the speech and hearing challenged persons has chalked out various plans for the spiritual needs of such persons. Fr George Kannanthanam, Secretary, Commission for Differently Abled informed that the Commission will arrange Holy Mass in Sign Language every month in a convenient place. He said that efforts are also made to have sign language for Holy Mass in selected parishes in Bangalore for the benefit of hearing challenged for the regular Sunday services.

Bengaluru is the only Diocese in the country with a Commission for the Differently Abled. Various activities to provide them accessibility and inclusion in the life and prayers of the Church have been done through the Commission.

Those who would require further information may contact: Sunny Kuruvilla 9880274710 or Fr George Kannanthanam 9845811515

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