Human Rights Activist Fr Cedric Prakash Addresses Clergy, Religious and Laity at Bishop’s House

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Human Rights Activist Fr Cedric Prakash Addresses Clergy, Religious and Laity at Bishop’s House

Mangaluru: Internationally acclaimed human rights activist Jesuit Fr Cedric Prakash was invited by Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, the Bishop of Mangaluru to address the clergy, religious and laity of the Diocese of Mangalore on Monday 23 December at the Bishop’s House in Mangaluru, on the burning issues related to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizen (NRC).

After nearly three days of violence that hit the peaceful town of Mangaluru after Section 144 and Curfew was imposed, and on late Sunday, 22nd evening after the Curfew was lifted, in an invitational message sent to several of the priests, religious and laity of the Diocese. Fr J B Saldanha- the Diocesan Senate Secretary stated, “On Monday, 23 December 2019, at 5.00 pm Human Rights Activist Rev. Fr Cedric Prakash SJ from a Jesuit institution in Ahmedabad, will address the Clergy, Religious and Lay Leaders in the Bishop’s House regarding the issues involved in the implementation of the National Register of Citizen (NRC) and Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). As a responsible leader of our community you are kindly requested to attend this important study session”.

And the response to this invitation was great. In his introductory remarks, Bishop of Mangaluru Diocese-Peter Paul Saldanha welcomed Fr Cedric and thanked him for accepting the invitation to address key functionaries of the Diocese on the burning issues related to the CAA and NRC, which have gripped the country today. Introducing Fr Cedric, to the two hundred plus gathering, the Bishop said that Fr Cedric is well known in India and abroad for his stand for the human rights of the poor and vulnerable sections of society. Fr Cedric, he continued, was also recently detained by the police in Ahmedabad for protesting against the CAA and NRC; he is the right person to educate us on the ramifications of the CAA and the NRC and how it would affect the character of the nation today!

In a brilliant scholarly presentation, Fr Cedric then held the audience spellbound by tracing the genesis of the CAA and the NRC and how they violated the spirit and letter of the Indian Constitution. He based his presentation on the Gospels of Jesus (also Catholic Social Teaching) on the one hand, and the Constitution of India, on the other. The CAA and NRC are both unconstitutional he asserted saying that they were draconian, divisive and discriminatory. He maintained that “to think that only Muslims will be affected by the CAA is to live in a ‘fool’s paradise’!

There are millions of undocumented people all over the country: the poor and the marginalized, the Adivasis and the Dalits, several minorities. The CAA undoubtedly aims to target these groups; a ‘divide and rule’ ploy meant to unleash hegemony by the powerful, the rich, the upper castes and other vested interests”. In a clear manner, he explained how and why the CAA and the NRC should be repealed immediately. Fr Cedric called upon all present to study the new law in-depth, to network with others in campaigning for its abolition/repeal and to take to the streets if needed.

The CAA must be withdrawn as soon as possible – and until then, the Catholics of the country must show that they are “truly the light”. Following Fr Cedric’s enlightening session a meaningful interaction with the audience followed. Most of those who intervened vibed with Fr Cedric‘s views and were convinced that something had to be done immediately to address this vexing issue which has seen massive protests from all sections of society. Except for one or two participants in the audience opposed Fr Cedric’s views, but in response were given befitting answers by Fr Cedric.

The moderator of the meeting Fr Joseph Martis then highlighted the main points which emerged during the session and also stressed the importance of having a concerted response to the CAA. Finally, Bishop Peter Paul, thanked Fr Cedric and the many gathered for a meaningful evening, and hoped that all would respond together to this and other crises that face the nation today!

Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is an ardent reader of and regular contributor of articles on important issues to

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Original R.Pai
5 years ago

I’m glad to hear that there were at least one or two in audience to challenge Fr.Prakash’s views. I wish our Christian community understood how CAA provides protection to prosecuted religious minorities including Christians living in those Islamic Republics (Pak, Bangla and Afghanistan). Sri Fr. Cederic Prakash has all the rights to hold his views. However, he should stop misleading people in the name of ‘human rights’. This tendency to oppose Modi purely based on political and religious affiliation is toxic and dangerous.

Original R.Pai
5 years ago

I should also add one more thing. NPR was originally from UPA govt. Why make such a drama when BJP is trying to implement it? NRC in Assam was mandated by Supreme Court. Is he questioning Supreme Court? Why is Congress party and individuals like Fr.Prakash are playing this dangerous game? For God’s sake, please do not play politics when it comes to national security.

5 years ago

Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is like the cousin of that loser John Dyal who goes hoarse on TV channels. I hope he gets invited by Times Now and Republic channels some time. Rahul Shivashankar and Arnab Goswami will have a field day bowling googlies at him.
Irresponsible citizens oppose citizenship amendment act. If India has to make progress, we need to roit out the illegals and criminals.