The other day when I was crossing the street
I saw a little baby on the footpath, naked and crying
A moment?s glance and a hundred questions flitted through my mind.
Did she have a mother to hold her when she fell,
A person to look up to and daily experiences to tell?
A person to comfort her every time she cried
A person to correct her every time she lied?
Did she have a father to call him the best
A person to play with, with zeal and zest?
A person to carry her around on his shoulders
A person to blow away her fears?
Did she have a sister to share her things?
Did she have a brother: kind, compassionate and caring?
It was then that I understood the importance of a family
A family to look up to and call my own
A family that corrects me when I’m wrong
A family which if I’m ill, stays up all night long.
Each family is unique in it’s own way
And it requires all it’s members to make
One big, happy family!
~ Venitia