ICYM Udupi Deanery Holds ’Yuva Samagam’ at Udyavar

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ICYM Udupi Deanery Holds ’Yuva Samagam’ at Udyavar

Udupi: “Yuva Samagam”, a day-long programme, was organised by the Udyavar unit of ICYM, at the St Francis Xavier Church Hall, Udyavar here on July 22.

The deanery-level programme comprised of the Inaugural ceremony, Panel Session on the topic ’Christian leadership’, holy mass, cultural competition and the valedictory function.

Around 211 youth from nine parishes of the Udupi deanery participated in the ‘Yuva Samagam’.

The programme was formally inaugurated by lighting the lamp by the Chancellor of Udupi deanery and parish priest of Udyavar Church, Fr Stany B Lobo, Director of ICYM Udupi deanery Fr Lawrence Cutinha, President of ICYM Udupi diocese Dion D’Souza, Animator of ICYM Udyavar unit Ritesh D’Souza, Secretary of Udyavar Parish council Micheal D’Souza, President and Secretary of ICYM Udupi deanery Vilton D’Souza and Fiona D’Souza, President and secretary of ICYM Udyavar unit Dalan Aroza and Melissa Danthi respectively.

In his message, Micheal D’Souza shared his personal experience in ICYM and encouraged the youth to strengthen their unity, progress in life and become good citizens of the country.

Fr Stany B Lobo stressed the youth on the importance of utilizing every opportunity they get and progress in their life.

Vilton D’Souza welcomed the gathering. Melissa Danthi delivered the vote of thanks and Amritha D’Silva introduced the moderator of the panel session to the gathering. Fr Wilson D’Souza from Divya Jyothi and Dr Vincent Alva – Principal of the Milagres Degree College, Kallianpur and the moderator of the panel session joined the programme.

Soon after the inaugural ceremony, the panel session on the topic ’Christian leadership’ was conducted. 5 topics under this main topic were discussed with. They are:

1. Commenting on sensitive topics In social media.
2. Archbishop’s letter and statements with regard to “Prayers for a good Government”.
3. Violation Of women rights
4. Lynching or Mobocracy
5. Conversion to Christianity.

Ten youth panellists from 9 units spoke and presented their point of view on these 5 topics.

The moderator Dr Vincent Alva finally concluded the session saying, “The younger generation i.e. today’s Christian youth must be serious in their lives and stand against violations as they are going to be the pillars of our nation who are capable of making India a secular and safe country”. Fr Edwin D’Souza presided over the programme and congratulated the panellists and youth for their active participation.

Later on, the Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Fr Alban D’Souza and Fr Lawrence Cutinha.

After the lunch break, the youth of 9 units took part in the cultural competition and presented their performance for the 9 topics below:

1. Effect of Social Media on Today’s life
2. Education and unemployment
3. Effects of development on Nature
4. Effect of Modernisation on culture
5. Following Traffic rules in today’s world
6. Effect of Modernisation on Human relationship
7. Moodubelle Unit – Effect of Modernisation on faith
8. Effect of chemicals on Human life
9. Value of money in modern society

After the end of the competition, a short video report on last year’s events conducted by ICYM

Udupi deanery was presented. The ICYM Udupi deanery Instagram account @icymudupivarado was opened by Fr Lawrence Cutinha.

Later, the valedictory ceremony was held. Fr Lawrence Cutinha – Dean of the Udupi deanery presided over the function. Other dignitaries on the dais were Fr Lawrence Cutinha, Fr Stany B Lobo, Fr Rolwin Aranha – assistant priest of Udyavar Church, Fr Anil D’Souza – Parish priest of Perampalli church, Fr Vijay Francis Dsouza – assistant priest at Udupi parish, Fr Ronson D’Souza – parish priest of Katpady church, Dion D’Souza – ICYM diocese president, Rajesh Fernandes and Eric Menezes – Main sponsors of the event, Vilton D’Souza and Fiona D’Souza ICYM deanery president and secretary respectively.

In his message, Fr Stany B Lobo again encouraged the youth to accept every challenge in life and congratulated the youth for their active participation in this event.

The office bearers of last year who were felicitated on occasion included Dion D’Souza-president, Shiny Alva – secretary. The sponsors of the event and the judges of the competition were recognised and honoured.

In his message, Fr Valerian Mendonca congratulated the youth for gathering in large numbers. He also appreciated the youth for their creativity and congratulated them for holding the panel session.

Fr Lawrence Cutinha announced the results of the competition. Udyavar unit were the winners, Katpady unit 1st runner-up and Moodubelle united were the 2nd runner-up.

Dalan Aroza welcomed the gathering and Fiona D’Souza delivered the vote of thanks. The event was concluded singing the ICYM anthem.

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