Home Mangalorean News Local News If Depressed Don’t Commit Suicide, Instead Call Suicide LifeLine

If Depressed Don’t Commit Suicide, Instead Call Suicide LifeLine

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If Depressed Don’t Commit Suicide, Instead Call Suicide LifeLine

  • If Depressed Don’t Commit Suicide Instead Call Suicide Lifeline/Susheg Charitable Trust-Susheg Lifeline at 7338201234 or if you need any information call: 9449105344/9449830186/8073852946

Mangaluru: It’s very sad to note that we hear about many suicides committed, especially by youth in DK/Mangaluru. Just yesterday, Team Mangalorean was first to report about a 18-year-old college student of a local business management college who hanged himself just because his mother wouldn’t give him Rs 500 as pocket-money that he asked for. Many youth also commit suicide either by consuming poison, jump in the well, hanging, so on- due to simple reasons like failing in their exams, or if they didn’t do well in their exams, or due to some love affair. Not just youth, even adults end their lives due to depression or health issues, for example-couple days ago, a middle-aged woman, daughter of a renowned local builder ended her life by hanging due to depression.

Do whatever it takes – do anything – to keep yourself alive until you feel safe again. Remember: that child you once were, who laughed and cried and loved unconditionally, who looked around with wonder and joy, who embraced life and all of the wonder it held – that is your true state of being, and you still carry that innocence within you. It is worth protecting. It is worth preserving. It is worth fighting for. Your true self remains in you, reliant upon your choices now. You are the future healer, prophet, activist, writer, poet, musician, artist, lover, father, mother, and creator of a better world. Not this one – a better one. That’s where you belong – that’s why your soul is crying out, every day, every second, so loud that you can’t ignore it.

Nobody blames you for anything. Please, don’t feel guilty. Take a breath. Take a moment to center yourself. You are strong., obviously – you have made it this far. You could go so much further. It feels hard, but it will get better. Nothing in this world is permanent, and you know it. These moments of pain are fleeting, but hold out. Protect yourself, even if it’s from yourself. It will be worth it. Let yourself feel the pain, and feel it deeply – but don’t let it control you. Accept the fear, the frustrations – but don’t let them force you to do anything your soul would reject. Don’t hurt yourself.

Don’t give up. Not yet. So hold on with both fists, with your knuckles, with a death grip – hold on with all of your might! Fight for it! This life in your hands was a gift, it’s yours, chosen for you and you alone, and it’s your chance to help heal, to help fix this dying, polluted, messed up world that we’ve created, and return it to its true beauty and restore the sense of balance that we so desperately need. Hold on to whatever goodness you can find. Hold on to anything that remains hopeful for you – perhaps the beauty in a sunset, the joy of loving your friends or family, the promises of your own beliefs, the possibilities of the future… Find that goodness. Find it in another person, in a creature, in whatever you can. And if you are in distress and need help, there is help available right here, locally! “Life is a war. Doctors fight disease. Lawyers fight injustice. Teachers fight ignorance. Suicide Lifeline of Susheg Charitable Trust-Susheg Lifeline fights to prevent suicide. Please – don’t give up and end your life. Not yet. We need you. And don’t give up on yourself either. There are other options.

Susheg Charitable Trust was formed in this coastal city to enrich life of all living beings -humans, animals and plants. ‘Susheg’ means contentment, derived from the Portuguese ‘sossegado’ which means contented form of life. The Trust is located at 34-1, Manjanakatte, Post Kompadavu, Mangaluru- 574 144. Building and operating assisted living facilities for those with neurological challenges, offering counselling, rehabilitation and hotline services, educating and sensitizing the community on health and wellness, establishing treatment units for the care of animals, and promoting natural and organic farming are the stated objectives of the trust. To this end, the trust has begun construction of “Susheg Jivith”, a 25-bedded assisted living facility for those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Dementia in Kompadavu near Ferar on the outskirts of Mangaluru.

Every year about 8,00,000 people commit suicide worldwide and of these, 1,35,000 (17%) are from India (The Registrar General of India, 2012). Every hour about 15 people resort to suicide in India. Data from the National Crime Records Bureau indicates that suicide is more prevalent in South India and the States of Kerala and Tamil Nadu top the list. In the year 2014, 570 student deaths were recorded due to suicide. In Mangaluru too, the number of people attempting or committing suicide has increased over the years. According to the Mangaluru City Police Commissionerate, there were 225 suicidal deaths in the year 2015 and 231 suicidal deaths in the year 2016.

A survey on mental health and well-being of 1016 students in Mangaluru between the ages of 14-25 years was conducted in the Month of March, 2017 ( Roshan Monteiro, Sr. Marie Evelyn A.C., & Dr. Lavina Noronha). Preliminary analysis of the results indicate that 4.52 percent of students surveyed have a history of past suicide attempt and a significant number (6.79%) of students have suicidal ideation. Providing a lifeline of emotional support to such persons to prevent suicide is therefore the need of the hour. Susheg Charitable Trust in collaboration with the post graduate department of Psychology, St. Agnes College, the post graduate department of Social Work, St. Aloysius College and Post Graduate departments of Counselling and Social Work, Roshni Nilaya is mobilizing concerned citizens and organizations have set up such a Lifeline in Mangaluru.

The main goal of the Suicide Lifeline is to prevent suicide and promote mental health and well-being- and their Objectives are : To establish and operate a suicide prevention lifeline in Mangaluru; To train volunteers to assist those in distress through the suicide lifeline and prevent suicide; To conduct awareness programs on mental health for educational institutions-administrators, faculty, parents and student leaders; To sensitize the community on mental well-being and suicide prevention through various programmes; To publish literature on mental health and well-being in English and for the benefit of the general public in local languages.

The Lifeline once established, will be publicized through Social Media Networks, local Television Channels, News Networks, digital and print media. Those in distress will be encouraged to call the life line- 0824 2983444 which will be open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Professionally trained multilingual operators with excellent communication skills will be the front line recipients of the distress calls. The call will immediately be transferred to a trained volunteer who will respond and assist the caller according to the protocol.

Volunteers trained in suicide prevention will be working in shifts and be available for response 24×7. There will be one back up clinician available for consultation and assistance to the volunteers. If lethality is assessed to be high, the volunteer will consult the back-up clinician, and the phone line coordinator who will make arrangements for immediate intervention, evacuation and/or emergency medical assistance. Police assistance will be sought by the clinical supervisor/operator whenever needed. The entire process will remain confidential. Call Logs will be maintained. A Resource Directory will be made available to the volunteers to aid in referrals.A team of clinicians -Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Psychiatric Social Workers, Counsellors and volunteers will be

A team of clinicians -Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Psychiatric Social Workers, Counsellors and volunteers will be involved in awareness generation programs in educational institutions and community based organizations. Concerned citizens have also joined hands already. District Administration and the Police Department have assured their support.

50 volunteers have been trained in suicide prevention and telephone Intervention. Dr. Santosh Prabhu, Dr. Rohan Mendonca, Dr. Caroline D’Souza, Mrs. Merlyn Martis, Dr. Loveena Lobo, Dr. Rameela Shekhar, Sr. Marie Evelyn, A.C., Dr. Audrey Pinto, Mrs. Rosa Mathew Ramapuram, Dr. Srinivasa Bhat, Mr. Roshan Monteiro, and Dr. Lavina Noronha are part of the multidisciplinary training team. The resource persons have provided training to three batches of volunteers. The weeklong training sessions were held at St. Agnes College, St. Aloysius College and Roshni Nilaya.

A Resource Manual of essential services and resources available in the community is under preparation. Modules for sensitizing the community-schools, colleges, NGOs on suicide prevention and promotion of mental health are being prepared by Usha Rao and Sr. Marie Evelyn A.C. Additionally, School and College faculty will be trained in identifying students at risk so that they can receive timely assistance and intervention.

But to run The Suicide Lifeline, it requires funds for its operations, which adds up to around Rs 14,74,900.00. So the Trust is making a Appeal for funds: You can help them save lives, young or old by volunteering your resources – material, time presence and abilities – and /or you could contribute to this noble life-saving initiative specifically towards items listed above or generally as a part of the budgetary requirement.

Donations are eligible for Tax Exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961 vide CIT(E)BLR/80G/MNG-217/AAOTS72683/2014-15. Please remit your contributions to Susheg Charitable Trust – Susheg Lifeline through its Corporation Bank. Account information is provided here: Bank Information: Account Name: Susheg Charitable Trust-Susheg Lifeline; Account No: 520101022731532; IFSC Code: CORP0003506; Address: Corporation Bank, Narmada Building, Falnir Road, Mangaluru – 575 001; Pan Number: AAOTS72683

The Susheg Charitable Trust is also looking for more partners like institutions (Education, Medical, NGO’s, Media Houses) and individuals to partner with it to provide Health Care facilities, Awareness, Consultancy and Logistics. Those who can, please join hands to make a difference!

SUICIDE LIFELINE (A unit of Susheq Charitable Trust (Regd.))

2nd Floor, Fortune Building, Avery Junction, Falnir Road, Mangaluru – 575 001
(PP): +91 73382 01234 CI: susheglifeline@gmail.com

For more information call: 9449105344; 9449830186; 8073852946

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Confused Desi
7 years ago

Good article by the author. I appreciate the efforts of anyone that tries to help a depressed person.

My onservation has been that a depressed person does not see any merit in any positive thoughts.

What perhaps is needed is for the parents to have sufficient education to know how to recognise any signs of depression in their children.

But parents can be busy, or in some cases, even alcoholic.

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