IMA Mluru Branch Installation of New Office Bearers-Dr Ranjan RK of KMC is President 2023-24

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Indian Medical Association Mangalore Branch Installation of New Office Bearers- Dr Ranjan RK-the Professor in Anaesthesiology at KMC, Mangaluru is President 2023-24

Mangaluru: “Doctors profession is the noblest profession owing to their relentless service to humanity through professional excellence and personal sacrifice, hence they should live upto the expectations of their patients” opined Mangalore City Police Commissioner Sri. Anupam Agarwal. He was speaking as a chief guest during the installation ceremony of the new office bearers of the Indian Medical Association Mangalore Branch held on 30 November 2023 at I.M.A Hall Mangalore. Doctors and patients’ relationship is very special and cordial, he added. He also recalled the yeomen services rendered by the doctors during the Corona crisis period which is commendable. He also released the I.M.A. monthly news bulletin “Medilore” on this occasion.

Chairman of the Kanachur Health Sciences Advisory Council Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ismail graced the occasion as installation officer, in his address he dwelt in detail about the changing scenario in the medical field and health care delivery system. He urged the doctors to focus on advanced technology to deliver more cost-effective healthcare solutions that are available, accessible and affordable. He wished the new team all the success in their future endeavours.

Prof. Dr. Ranjan in his acceptance speech assured to uphold the rich legacy left behind by his predecessor Prof. Dr. Venugopal and he sought the cooperation of all the members to successfully implement academic sessions, medical workshops, healthcare and welfare projects drawn by his team during his tenure during the ensuing year.

Earlier outgoing president Prof. Dr. Venugopal presented a brief report of achievements during his tenure. Outgoing goingSecretary Dr. Archith Bolar presented the Annual report and outgoing treasurer Dr. Nandakishore presented the annual financial accounts report. Newly elected treasurer Dr. Prashanth was present. Newly elected secretary Dr. Avin Alva proposed a vote of thanks. Dr. Ms. Adyashree compered the programme.

The new office bearers for 2023-24 are as follows:

· Dr. Ranjan R K (President) Professor in Anaesthesiology at KMC, Mangaluru

· Dr. Avin B R Alva (Secretary) Dept of Community Medicine, KSHEMA, Deralakatte, Mangaluru

· Dr. Prashantha B ( Treasurer) Dept of Hematologist, KMC, Mangaluru

Dr Mahabalesh Shetty- (Vice President) HoD Dept of Forensic Medicine, K.S. Hegde Medical Academy (KSHEMA), Mangaluru

The outgoing office bearers are Dr Venugopala D as President, Dr. Archith Boloor as Secretary and Dr. Nandakishore B as Treasurer.

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