Indian Embassy and ICBF Raise Awareness of Qatar’s Drug Regulations in Online Seminar

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Indian Embassy and ICBF Raise Awareness of Qatar’s Drug Regulations in Online Seminar

The Embassy of India and the Indian Community Benevolent Forum (ICBF), an Indian community organization that works under the aegis of the Embassy, organized an online seminar on September 10 to raise awareness about Qatar’s rules and regulations regarding banned narcotics and import of restricted psychoactive and psychotropic drugs/substances. The seminar was attended by Indian community members, leaders, media persons, and other stakeholders from Doha as well as India.

The seminar was addressed by the Ambassador of India to Qatar Mr Vipul, First Secretary Mr Eish Singhal, and ICBF President Mr Shahnawaz Bawa. In his remarks, Ambassador Mr Vipul highlighted Qatar’s rules for bringing restricted and other medicines into the country and the prohibition on bringing narcotic substances. He urged Indians to observe due caution and follow Qatar’s laws while travelling to the country.

Mr. Eish Singhal presented some case studies in which Indians received prison sentences for carrying narcotics or restricted drugs. In some cases, those sentenced claimed that they had been handed over a packet by agents when they travelled to Qatar and the packet was found to contain prohibited or restricted items when they landed in Qatar.

ICBF President also spoke about the issue and requested civil society organizations including in India to spread awareness about the strict laws in Qatar on consumption or trafficking of drugs and prohibited substances. He also underlined assistance extended by Embassy of India and ICBF to Indian prisoners such as legal counseling and some financial assistance in emergencies.

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