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Innocence, Piety and Sacrifice mark 450th Feast of St Aloysius Gonzaga at SAC

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Innocence, Piety and Sacrifice mark 450th Feast of St Aloysius Gonzaga at SAC

Innocence, Piety and Sacrifice mark 450th Feast of St Aloysius Gonzaga celebrated at the St Aloysius PUC Loyola Hall on 21 st June at 9 am.

“There is no more evident sign that anyone is a saint and of the number of the elect, than to see him leading a good life and at the same time a prey to desolation, suffering, and trials. He who wishes to love God does not truly love Him if he has not an ardent and constant desire to suffer for His sake.”-Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Mangaluru: The feast of St. Aloysius Gonzaga was celebrated by St Aloysius Pre-University College and St Aloysius College {Autonomous} on 21st June, 2018 at Loyola hall. Fr Wilfred Rodrigues-Superior at Infant Jesus Shrine-Bikkarnakatte-Mangaluru was the main celebrant of the the festal Eucharist Mass,joined by other clergy namely- Capuchin Fr Lancy Rebello- St Ann’s Friary, Bejai-Mangaluru; Fr Dionysius Vaz S.J.-Rector of St Aloysius Institutions; Fr Denzil Lobo Sj- Former Rector; Fr Leo D’Souza Sj- Former Rector; Fr Melwin Mendonca Sj-Principal of St Aloysius PUC; Fr Pradeep Sequeira Sj- Finance Officer-St Aloysius Degree College; Fr John Lang Bosco Sj- Finance Officer, St Aloysius PUC; Fr Melwyn Pinto Sj-former Vice Principal, St Aloysius Degree College; were among the many others co- celebrants. Nearly 3500 Catholic students of both the colleges joined in the spiritual celebration of the feast of their college patron.

While the celebrants entered the hall, melodious hymns by the College choir filled the atmosphere. PUC Student Joycee Pinto gave an brief introduction of the feast, and the celebrants. In his homily, Fr Wilfred Rodrigues quoting the life story of St. Aloysius Gonzaga who sacrificed his life for the betterment of others and that Gonzaga stands as the best example for loving others, said, ” Today we celebrate the feast of a “favored son of the Jesuit Order” – Aloysius Gonzaga. And today is also special because it happens to be the 450th birthday of Aloysius Gonzaga. He was born of the princely family of Castiglionein 1568, near Mantua in Lombardy. He was instructed in the faith by his pious mother, and early on manifested an inclination to religious life. After delivering his share of the ancestral dominion to his brother he entered the Society of Jesus. He sought perfection by way of austere penances. While serving the sick during the plague, he himself contracted the disease and died in 1591 at the age of 23.”

“The things that Aloysius did were done because of his belief in the reality and dynamics of the love of God: especially as it expressed in the new law of loving that Jesus demonstrated and then commanded us to do! If you want to truly experience my presence and the presence of my father, if you truly want to know what being a human being among other human beings is all about – then LOVE ONE ANOTHER, as I have loved you. This same thing Jesus proclaims in his answer to the scholar of the Jewish Law who was testing him: he tells him that the greatest commandment is to love God first, with all you’ve got; then to love others as you love yourself to prove that love! Everything is based on this, Jesus assures us!” added Fr Wilfred.

Fr Rodrigues further said, ” Aloysius Gonzaga loved God by loving others, especially the sick! We are called to love God by loving others as well – all those who need God’s comfort and care and assurance. If we do this in a particularly single-minded way we can even develop our own experience of perfection to a greater degree than what might be ordinary, and we will know a greater fullness of joy in God’s presence and delights at his right hand! Love one another as I have loved you! Even Pope Francis has advised the youth to take courage and serve the needy. So students, remember that we could make our life more beautiful by caring and helping others. Aloysius Gonzaga is truly a inspiration for you all, so follow his teachings. When you get out of this prestigious institution, earn and make money, follow in the footsteps of St Aloysius Gonzaga, to share some of your wealth with others who are in need and the destitute. You will be truly blessed”.

During the offertory hundreds of students offered non-perishable items, which would be later donated to various ashrams and old-age homes in the City. Fr Dionysius Vas Sj and Fr Melwin Mendonca Sj at the end of the Eucharist mass conveyed their festal wishes, and also thanked all those who made this feast to be celebrated in fervor and grandeur. Special compliments should be made to the St Aloysius PUC Choir for rendering melodious hymns during the mass, which did receive applaud from the main celebrant and the audience. The entire arrangement of the feast celebration was undertaken by the staff, students of St Aloysius PUC- a job well done!

In conclusion, following in the footsteps of St Aloysius Gonzaga, we need to give when we are able to give! According to Mathew 25:35-36, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, ….”, we should know that giving is something done voluntarily. Giving should not be done under compulsion, coercion, duress, or conviction. There are some exceptions, of course. When you do give, you are to give what you have chosen in your heart. Those who take pity on those less fortunate than us are true neighbors and caregivers.

There are many reasons to give – we give in order to help fellow citizens in need, help the poor and less fortunate, people with disabilities, and even help family members in distress. All you have shall some day be given – therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors. No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. We should never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them up. The place to improve the world and society is first in one’s own heart, head and hands. The joy of being able to bless and give someone you love and care, and to make them smile, is priceless. The satisfaction that comes from making a difference in the lives of others cannot be overstated.

Knowing that you have helped make someone else’s life a little brighter and better is a special feeling, and one that will last with you for a long time. And in our world of plenty we can spread a smile of joy. So if you are looking for a way to enhance your act of sharing and giving experience, try giving back now. Let’s give to the less fortunate, ashrams, non-profit organizations, needy families and children, and others a feeling of hope, and make a difference in their lives. Lets us all follow in the teachings and footsteps of St Aloysius Gonzaga. Happy Feast to all Aloysians! As a alumni of this prestigious college, I end this report with a prayer-

“Father, you graced St Aloysius with an overwhelming love of your Son and so made him an effective instrument of your love for those who have least. Touch us, we pray, with that some love and help us speak of that of love to others, with words, yes, but with our lives, still more. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. St Aloysius Gonzaga, pray for us”

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