‘Inspire’-a Motivational Session at St Aloysius Industrial Training Institute

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‘Inspire’-a Motivational Session at St Aloysius Industrial Training Institute

Mangaluru: A new initiative for the students of St Aloysius ITI “Inspire” was inaugurated on 30th March 2018. This initiative is aimed at creating positive mindsets in the students by organizing inspirational talks and interactive sessions from resource persons. The motivational speaker for the first session was Sukumar Ballal from KIOCL.

Briefing on this new initiative, Rev Fr Melvin Lobo SJ-Director of the institution said, “It is our deepest desire that our students should excel in life and impact the society in a positive way. A positive mind can create wonders. We want our students to acquire soft skills as well as professional skills and be the leaders in their respective fields”.

Speaking during the session, Sukumar Ballal said, “Discipline and time sense are the two very important qualities every industry looks for in their employees. The way we communicate with others determines the outcome. Good communication skills are a must for everyone. Never ever forget your father, mother and teachers. Parents give you life, but a teacher teaches you to live life”.

The session was well received by the students. A big round of applause echoed in the auditorium in appreciation. Alwyn Menezes- Vice principal proposed vote of thanks. The programme was concluded with the National Anthem.

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