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Iranian FM reiterates willingness to restart nuclear talks ahead of New York visit

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Iranian FM reiterates willingness to restart nuclear talks ahead of New York visit

Tehran: Iran’s Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araghchi has reiterated the country’s preparedness to initiate fresh negotiations aimed at revitalising the 2015 nuclear deal and lifting sanctions, provided other parties are equally willing.


In an interview shared on the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Telegram channel on Monday, he outlined the new administration’s foreign policy goals ahead of his visit to New York for the 79th United Nations General Assembly.

“We will make efforts to start a new round of negotiations on the nuclear issue… We can begin a new round of negotiations during this trip,” Araghchi remarked.

He noted ongoing communications with other parties and acknowledged a general readiness to resume talks, though he emphasised that current international conditions pose greater challenges than in the past, Xinhua news agency reported.

He dismissed the prospect of direct discussions with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, citing an unsuitable environment for such meetings. However, Araghchi suggested that direct talks could become feasible if the US shifts its approach following its unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear agreement in May 2018.

Iran signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in July 2015, which imposed restrictions on its nuclear programme in exchange for sanction relief.

The US exited the deal in May 2018, reinstating sanctions, which led Iran to scale back its nuclear commitments. Negotiations to revive the JCPOA commenced in April 2021 in Vienna, but no significant progress has been made since the last round concluded in August 2022.


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