Jai Jawan! A Nationwide Cycle Ride to pay Tribute to Indian Defence

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Mangaluru: Speaking to Mangalorean.com over the phone, Ganesh Nayak-Founder member of Mangalore Bicycle Club said, “Mangalore Bicycle Club has initiated a nationwide cycle ride on March 6, 2016 to pay our tribute to Indian Defence. This is conducted in collaboration with various cycle clubs across India. This is a small gesture from our side to the Indian Defence, who are the force behind ensuring peace and stability in our country”.


“Through this ride on March 6th, we are stressing on the significance of Indian Defence in our day today lives and urging all citizens to pay respect to the sacrifices these men make for our nation. This idea crossed our minds post meeting a few army men at various occasions. They somehow feel that the fellow countrymen are not so concerned about what they do. This ride is an opportunity for all of us to give them a feeling that we all do care for them”.

“We have drafted a letter to be signed by all participants of the ride, which respective clubs will send to the President of India, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces once the ride is concluded. A copy of the letter attached for your reference. We will be inviting a few ex-Armed Forces Men to join us at the flagging off point. Please do join and support this initiative”added Nayak. .

Details of Ride is as follows:

Date- March 6th
Time: 7 am
Flag off point: Prakash offset behind Mangalore Passport office
Ride distance: 30 KM
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/4245178

For more details call : 8095506377 (Ganesh Nayak); 9686582440 (Dony Menezes)


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Original R.Pai
9 years ago

I hope this event doesn’t offend JNU supporters!!

9 years ago

Great initiatives by MBC. And good support by Mangalolrean.com. Jai ho. Indian Defences

9 years ago

Hats off MBC

9 years ago

Wonderful initiative to respect our great soldiers who laid their life for our nation and protecting us from the infiltrators. RIP all the soldiers and shall always be remembered in one form or the other. Great job Mr. Ganesh Nayak.

Nelson Lewis
9 years ago


This is very good and commendable. I have to salute you. For me, servicemen, especially those who have taken part in wars, are true heroes. They undertake enormous sacrifices and are paid a pittance.

Two of my relations saw action during the World War and it was always quite interesting to listen to these veterans narrating their experiences and hardships.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nelson Lewis

Mr. Nelson, what do you think about this?


India has denied visa to members of a US commission on religious freedom who wanted to discuss and assess “deteriorating” religious freedom conditions in the country, the head of the independent body has said.

USCIRF has been able to travel to many countries, including those that are among the worst offenders of religious freedom, including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, China and Burma, George said.
And what does our Originaalige Yumreeki RampaNNA have to say about it?

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

“…“deteriorating” religious freedom conditions in the country” – quotes joker Praveena Pinto May be, they are referring to deteriorating religious freedom conditions of ‘sanaathana dharma’ followers who are being mocked and bullied by religious bigots in minority communities on daily basis? May be, they are referring to sanaathana dharma followers who are constantly attacked in both media and political circles with a threat of ‘hate speech’ cases? Yea – right!!!! I am just being sarcastic if you haven’t noticed it already!! A quick look at this ‘commission’ tells you everything you need to know about them. It also explains why… Read more »