Home Agency News Jordan announces preliminary results of parliamentary election

Jordan announces preliminary results of parliamentary election

Jordan, Iran
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Jordan announces preliminary results of parliamentary election

Amman: Jordan’s Independent Election Commission Chairman Musa Maaytah has announced preliminary results from the country’s 20th parliamentary election.


The voter turnout was 32.13 per cent, with 1,632,696 of the 5.1 million eligible voters participating in Tuesday’s election, Maaytah reported on Wednesday.

A total of 27 women secured seats in the parliament, including 18 through the quota system, effectively doubling female representation from the previous legislature, he said, adding that six young candidates were elected, and 104 party-affiliated candidates won seats, including 31 from the Islamic Action Front, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, Xinhua news agency reported.

Maaytah highlighted that the results demonstrate Jordan’s “dedication to fair elections and broad participation, reflecting diverse societal interests and supporting political pluralism”.

Tuesday’s election is the first under Jordan’s new electoral law, introduced in 2022, which increased the number of lawmakers from 130 to 138 and aimed to enhance the representation of women and younger candidates. The final results will be published in the state gazette in the coming days.


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