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Joy of Giving! Cheshire Home makes Inmates ‘Wish Come True’ Thru ‘Wish Tree’

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Joy of Giving! Cheshire Home makes Inmates ‘Wish Come True’ Thru ‘Wish Tree’

Mangaluru: Wish tree helps dreams/wish come true to the 21 residents of Mangalore Cheshire Home, located on Suvarna lane, Valencia- Mangaluru. A new “Wish Tree” was unveiled today, 7 October to show the residents of the “Home” that old age or disabilities are no boundaries for fulfilling wishes and aspirations. The “Wish Tree” was unveiled in the gardens of the Cheshire Home, situated right next to the statue of the Founder of The Cheshire Homes Capt Leonard Cheshire. Residents were beaming with joy looking at the handwritten wish cards that were hung on the tree.

This “Wish Tree” has encouraged all residents to share their wishes with the board members and team members of Mangalore Cheshire Home here, so that it helped to make their Wish come true. The Cheshire Home members did understand the importance of helping residents to continue to keep active, enjoy visiting favourite places and trying new experiences. It’s never too late to fulfil a dream or a wish- and today, through this unique “Wish Tree” they did put a smile on the faces of these 21 residents, who were not only happy to receive the things what they wished for on the handwritten cards, but also were very grateful to the CH members for making their “Wish” come true.

Most of the residents had wished for personal items like bedsheets, pillow covers, towels, toiletries, nighties, etc and they wrote it down on the Wish Card, and they got what they wished for, after their Wish Cards were hung on the Wish Tree. The presentation of the Wish gifts to the residents were done by the Chairman of Mangalore Cheshire Home, Wilma Aranha, and other board/active members. Speaking to Team Mangalorean, Wilma Aranha said, ” We are happy to celebrate this unique “Joy of Giving”. The residents had stated their desire of what they wished to have. The committee members had asked generous donors to pitch in Rs 500 each and fulfill the residents desires. The Cards on the Wish Tree had the names of the residents and what gift they needed.”

“We were successful in collecting a good number of donations towards this Wish cards, and the excess amount will be used to buy gifts to the children of Bhagini Ashram, Jeppu, Mangaluru, where there are more than 50 poor kids – and very soon we will be visiting the Ashram and donation school supplies to the kids, so that they too experience the joy of not only receiving but also the joy of giving. We are thankful to all the generous donors who contributed to this Wish Tree project- and we also look forward for more help from generous donors so that we can plan such projects in future too” added Aranha.

In conclusion, the joy of being able to bless and give someone you love and care, and to make them smile, is priceless. The satisfaction that comes from making a difference in the lives of others cannot be overstated. Knowing that you have helped make someone else’s life a little brighter and better is a special feeling, and one that will last with you for a long time. And in our world of plenty we can spread a smile of joy. So if you are looking for a way to enhance your act of sharing and giving experience, give to the less fortunate, ashrams, non-profit organizations, needy families and children, and others a feeling of hope, and make a difference in their lives.

And one place you can donate some of your wealth is Mangalore Cheshire Home, where the Committee members of MCH are inviting well-wishers and friends to be partners in their endeavors to help the persons with disability to live a life of dignity. For more details of Mangalore Cheshire Home and how you can support the Home please call 0824-2430468 (O); 9480958541, 082436505 (Chairperson-Wilma Aranha); 9448457332, 0824-2437332 (Hon.Secretary-Hazel Colaco)

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