Kate Beckinsale sent mother pornographic pictures featuring her face

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Kate Beckinsale sent mother pornographic pictures featuring her face
Los Angeles, Aug 4 (IANS) Actress Kate Beckinsale says she sent pornographic photographs of herself to her mother when she found them online.

The pornographic images weren’t actually of Beckinsale. They were photographs of Beckinsale’s face superimposed onto explicit images.

Beckinsale narrated the incident to chat show host Jimmy Kimmel when she appeared on his show “The Jimmy Kimmel Live!”, reports metro.co.uk.

“I know Reddit is the one where sometimes you can find pictures of porn stars with your own face on it. I’ve been sent a few very distressing photos of myself… Not just sort of in a wicker chair, naked – but involved. You know what I mean? With more than one person,” Beckinsale said.

She added: “So, when I got sent it, I just immediately sent it to my mother with no explanation to see what would happen. I get a text back going, ‘Oh, darling! Oh, dear! Oh, no!’.”

The show is aired in India on Star World and Star World HD.

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