Home Fit & Fun Entertainment Kate Moss’s naked wedding day photos hacked

Kate Moss’s naked wedding day photos hacked

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Kate Moss’s naked wedding day photos hacked

London, March 5 (IANS) Supermodel Kate Moss’s nude photos have been stolen.

The images were part of a set of photos Moss posed for on her wedding day in 2011. They show her in the buff, getting ready for her big day. They were among dozens of private images she commissioned to celebrate getting hitched to rocker Jamie Hince, from whom she has since split.

The images are thought to have been hacked from her computer files. It is believed they are now being shared among fans on their phones, reports dailystar.co.uk.

It comes just four months after private images from the star’s 2016 birthday celebrations were leaked online.

A source said: “Kate will be fuming about this. Even though she has now split from Jamie, this set of photos is still really close to her heart and they are very, very private.

“Kate is obviously no stranger to getting her clothes off for photo-shoots, but these images were different. Some were meant only to been seen by Jamie, and the rest were for close family and friends and have never been released.

“It’s disgusting hackers can get away with this for the second time in four months. She is now looking into ways of increasing her online security.”

Photographers Terry Richardson and Mario Testino reportedly captured the photos.

Moss allowed Testino to release some of the official images from her wedding. And Richardson posted authorised images of the model in bed during the celebrations.

But the set that has been hacked and leaked were commissioned strictly for private use.

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