Home Agency News KC Venugopal defends Rahul Gandhi, says he speaks ‘plain truth’

KC Venugopal defends Rahul Gandhi, says he speaks ‘plain truth’

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KC Venugopal defends Rahul Gandhi, says he speaks ‘plain truth’

New Delhi: Congress General Secretary K.C. Venugopal on Tuesday defended Rahul Gandhi for the remarks he made during his interactions with the members of the Indian community in the US, saying the BJP is showing signs of nervousness because the Leader of Opposition has spoken plain truth.

“The ‘Modi bubble’ has burst. His politics of fear has failed, and neither he nor his supporters are taken seriously anymore. Rahul Gandhi has repeatedly highlighted the dangerous divisiveness promoted by the BJP and the RSS. His mission is to promote love, respect, and humility in public discourse, advocating for a diverse India where multiple ideas and identities coexist,” Venugopal said on Tuesday.

He added, “It is also doubly hypocritical for the BJP to complain about the statements made by Rahul Ji in the US, when the PM does not miss a single chance to repeat his hackneyed ‘nothing happened in the 60 years before 2014’ line – which is truly an insult to the collective efforts of multiple generations of Indians who made our country great.”

Venugopal also advised the BJP to approach criticism constructively rather than reacting with baseless outrage when confronted with uncomfortable truths.

On Monday, Rahul Gandhi addressed the student community at the Georgetown University in Washington, where he discussed Congress’ stance against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visions.

Rahul Gandhi emphasised that while he disagrees with PM Modi’s perspective, he harbours no personal hatred towards him.

“The politics in India has fundamentally changed. We don’t share PM Modi’s vision, and we challenge it,” the Congress MP said.

Rahul Gandhi also reflected on Congress’ struggles, including frozen bank accounts, but highlighted their efforts to counter the Modi government.

“I don’t hate Mr. Modi. I disagree with his point of view, but I don’t see him as an enemy. I approach him with empathy and compassion,” he reiterated.

The BJP has criticised Rahul Gandhi’s comments as damaging to India’s international reputation, with some party leaders even terming his remarks ‘treasonous’.


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