Home Articles Konkan Connections – 11

Konkan Connections – 11

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There was pandemonium at Xavier’s house. All hell had broken loose. Yeshwant and Nitin were the heroes. Kudwa and Abraham were the facilitators for today’s revelry. It was not easy to punish Rilsy Vaz at all. He will always travel in groups and shield himself from any untoward incidents. On the particular Sunday, he,  brimming with over confidence had thought of pressurizing Marshall and brain washing him into selling his property. But, Xavier had a clever role to play. He was in touch with Marshall and was monitoring Rilsy’s whereabouts and his actions remotely. If they would have let this chance go , then Rilsy was all ready to fly to America and again they will not get a chance to attack him. And the biggest bonus,the icing on the cake was the attack on Lolly ,his wife who was the actual force behind all Rilsy’s evil deeds. She also,in her enthusiasm of snatching land from Marshal was shadowing Rilsy and eventually witnessed the attack and also was caught between the crossfire.

Xavier won every one’s confidence now. The four friends got united again. As they say, always friends turned foes will not remain enemies for long. On one pretext or the other they will seek to unite. Kudwa and Yashwant had played a big role in uniting Abraham and Xavier . Now, the revenge attack had just begun. Many heads will roll in the coming days. The guys can buy best of booze, but they love to gulp Royal Challenge whisky. Typical guys! They love challenges! They prefer to go all out on war. They have the money and muscle power. But, again while progressing in life, they may have made a lot of enemies and some jackals will sweet talk in front and will attack behind their backs. That’s exactly what happened in Rilsy’s case.

Now, they have to see that they do not come under the police dragnet. Today, the conviction rate is very higher. After many years in India, the judiciary has woken up and one can see celebs, bureaucrats, ministers and industrialists being punished left , right and centre. It is really a good sign of new age revolution in the democratic functioning. The new breed is really very very cautious and the old war horses have woken up to their responsibilities and the result being  jails are full with convicts. The under world guys rejoice when they see the police officials and bureaucrats share their cells. The common man is the winner, but for how long? Kudwa was tipsy and could not contain his excitement, He may not have killed an ant in his entire life, but taking brutal action on offenders always gave him a big kick?..He loves to punish offenders through others.. ..he shot in over filled joy..

“Hey, Yashwant, see how we all successfully taught a great lesson to the wicked  couple. Rilsy should have been killed. He should not have lived at all”

” No my dear friend,’ Xavier got up with glass indicating Kudwa to fill it again.

He continued “Kudwa, always remember, Rilsy  will not remain the same person anymore! He has been instilled fear in his veins by this action of ours. I had calls from Venu and Marshall and others that he is shouting in his sleep and restless in the hospital. Unity Health Complex ?s staff are taking a lot of trouble to guard him. He is totally shaken and terribly in despair. Lolly is dumbstruck She is not speaking at all. Now, we need to worry about the police. Abdul and Santu and others are in Batkala. We have to send them to Goa. Then other plans??

“You are right” exclaimed Abraham. Xavier smiled broadly. The person who was vetoing his statements always, is seconding his opinion.

“We should think of saving our guys from the clutches of police” Abraham was very firm. We should act fast. If any of the guys are caught , then we will be in  trouble. Rilsy does not know who has hit him. Lolly is not in speaking condition. Best is to send these guys to Nepal. Pokhral will look after them there. Jung Bahadur’s gang has grown old, but still they hold a great clout in the government. Remember, it is again democratic rule there?” Abraham was spilling gems in his talks.

“It all sounds right. But, How do we send these guys to Nepal? ” Yashwant spoke gulping his whisky in one shot.

“The guys need to be clean shaven and presentable to be able to travel in a plane. By train again theses guys need to travel separately and remain incommunicado throughout their journey. Santu has a bad habit of drinking too much and becoming boisterous in trains. Who will control him?”

Caught by railway police means, there will be difficulty for bail. He spilled the beans means, we all will be behind bars with Non Bailable Warrants. Old cases will resurface and our defense lawyer will also share our cell at Arthur Road Jail,  ha ha ..ha” Yaswant roared in laughter.

All of them joined in the laughter.

“But, Yashwant, I will not be caught” Nitin Parekh, the think tank on law breaking opened his mouth.

“I supported you guys, as I am convinced, you all are getting rid of a criminal  and are saving mankind from extra trouble. Even though I am abetting you in crime, still I will go scot-free. Be’coz, the case will come up with the judges in the courts here and there are many of them who think like me. It is not  the money, but the principle of finishing these hidden criminals is what makes us support you guys. I will apply for an anticipatory bail and will be granted” smiled ear to ear  Nitin.

Whaw! Great indeed, you legal Eagles? You are the real geniuses” Abrahm kept his glass on the table and clapped loudly with his hands.

“That’s why, I am considering myself praise worthy, as I have Nitin bhai’s friendship and support to take care of our legal problems.” Yashwant was thumping his chest !
“Really, great, then we could finish that Lala and Bachu Pandy from Goregaon as well” Xavier was ecstatic.

” Both of them are giving us trouble with the Vikroli and Kanjurmarg land”.

But, Dada, let’s first come out of this problem unscathed and then will eliminate many others” Kudwa spoke sensibly.

” I  stand by you all, Always there are people who act like demons in anyone’s progressive life ” One has to eliminate them to come up in life” Nitin was totally committed to these four friends.
? I will see that you do not get into trouble in the hands of law’.

“?Thank you Nitin Bhai” all four shouted in one voice.

?Well, We need to call up Marshall and Venu  to get the latest information on Rilsy. Then, Yashwant, you call that Kasargod Mani and check with him if Santu and gang has informed about their latest situation. Hope everything is okay” Abraham sounded very concerned.

“Right away, man”? Xavier dialed Venu’s number.

(To be continued…)

Author: Donald DSilva- Mumbai

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