Home Mangalorean News Local News Konkani Cinematic Play ‘Christachem Janan’ Released at Big Cinemas

Konkani Cinematic Play ‘Christachem Janan’ Released at Big Cinemas

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Konkani Cinematic Play ‘Christachem Janan’ Released at Big Cinemas

Mangalore: Konkani Natak Sabha (R), Mangalore, released its first cinematic production, ‘Christachem Janan’, at Big Cinemas, Bharat Mall. The play is a preparation for the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, marking the birth of Jesus Christ, as declared by Pope Francis.

Directed by Adolphous Cutinha and Melwin D’Almeida, the movie features over 100 actors from Mangalore. A short stage program preceded the screening, with Most Rev. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Bishop Emeritus of Mangalore Diocese, as the Chief Guest. He appreciated the Konkani Natak Sabha’s 81 years of service, adhering to the motto “ನಾಟಕ ದ್ವಾರಿ ಧಾರ್ಮಿಕ ಸಾಧನ್”.

Rev. Fr Denis D’Sa, PRO of Udupi Diocese, congratulated the Konkani Natak Sabha on going digital. Rev. Fr Rocky D’Cunha, President of Konkani Natak Sabha, welcomed the gathering and distributed mementos to dignitaries.

Other notable attendees included Stany Alvares, President of Konkani Sahithya Academy; Rev. Fr Andrew D’Souza, Parish Priest of Bajal; Anil Lobo, Chairperson of MCC Bank; and the directors and music composer.

The movie was well-received by the audience of 410, comprising priests, religious sisters, benefactors, actors, and Konkani Natak Sabha members. Floyd D’Mello proposed the vote of thanks, and Preetham compered the program.

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