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Kris Jenner opens up about infidelity, sex tapes

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Kris Jenner opens up about infidelity, sex tapes

Los Angeles: Reality TV personality Kris Jenner has openly spoken about the infamous incidents and controversies revolving around her family and personal life.

In an interview given to Fox News, Jenner got candid and discussed how she dealt with daughter Kim Kardashian’s scandalous sex tape controversy and regret over cheating on her Late husband Robert Kardashian, reports etonline.com

When asked if she believed that her family got recognised because of the Kim Kardashian’s sex tape controversy, Jenner said, “You know, I can’t control what other people say and obviously that was a hard thing to go through.”

“The thing I learned from that is that you can get through anything as a family. That was obviously a real hard time for any mom. It was devastating,” she added.

When asked about having an affair with a soccer player while she was married, Jenner, 62, admitted that she regrets her extramarital affair on Robert Kardashian, who is the father of her eldest children, Kourtney, 39, Kim, 37, Khloe, 34, and Rob, 31. He died at the age of 59, in the year 2003, after a battle with oesophageal cancer.

“It’s nothing I’m proud of,” she said.

“When I look back on it now, probably one of my biggest regrets in my life is that that marriage fell apart,” she added.

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