Kuwait Billavas bag Billava International Runners-up Trophy

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Mulki: Kuwait Billavas are elated as Billava Sangha Kuwait (BSK) bags the runners up Billava International Trophy at the tournament organized by the Billava Kreeda Samithi held at the Vijaya College Ground, Mulki here, on February 27 and 28.

Under the leadership of Raj Shekar Kotian and the blessings of Jaya Suvarna, the event was a grand success with 16 Billava teams participating from all over India and abroad.

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Billava Sangha Kuwait under the leadership of the President, Chitrek Bangera and the sportsmanship spirit of its Sport Secretary, Krishna Poojary, formed a strong team for the tournament. Vice President, Raghu Poojary, Ex-president and advisor, Mohandas Poojary and Advisor AK Ravindra from Kuwait were also present at the venue.

The players of BSK team are:

1. Krishna Poojary (c)
2. Ajey Kumar
3. RavirajKotian
4. ArjunPoojary
5. Sukesh Amin
6. Sunil Poojary
7. NageshPoojary
8. RoopeshPoojary
9. Sandesh
10. PrashanthPalan
11. ShaileshSalian
12. Divakar Amin
13. Sandesh Amin
14. Balakrishna
15. Chethan Kumar

BSK started their encounter against team Bharath Bank on February 27 and won with 10 wickets. They won against Oman Billavas in the quarterfinals and went on to beat Billavas Dubai to reach the Finals on February 28. The final was played between Billava Sangha Kuwait and Billava Maha Mandala Mulki (BMMM) and won by the latter in a tough nail biting finish until the final over.

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Shailesh Salian of BSK was awarded with the title of the Best Batsman for the highest score in the tournament. BMMM won the prize money of Rupees 2 lakh, while the runners up, BSK got the prize money of Rupees 1 lakh.

BSK applauds the initiative of bringing together billavas from all over the world and wishes the very best of luck for all future such initiatives.

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9 years ago

Thank you very much mangalorean.com for the lovely photos.

Sujatha poojary
9 years ago

Congratulations ???????????????? billawa sanga Kuwait ????????????????????

amarnath suvarna
9 years ago

Best wish to billava sangha kuwait we will be the winners next year