‘Light Up Diwali, celebrate responsibly: Prioritize Safety’

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‘Light Up Diwali, celebrate responsibly: Prioritize Safety’

Diwali, the festival of Lights, commemorates the victory of good over evil and this festival is widely celebrated in India. Fireworks are an integral part of this celebration.

The Supreme Court of India has not ordered any blanket ban on firecrackers across the country but has only banned the manufacture, sale, and use of firecrackers containing barium and other banned chemicals.

Lighting fireworks has its dangers and fire accidents are often responsible for the loss of lives, burn injuries, and loss of sight every year. We share some safety guidelines when it comes to lighting fireworks this year that will keep you safe as you celebrate the festival. Remember Safety First.

Safety is paramount

Adult Supervision: Ensure an adult is always present when children are around fireworks.
Distance: Maintain a safe distance from the fireworks.
Outdoor Use: Only light fireworks outdoors, away from buildings and vehicles.
Water Source: Keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby.
Proper Lighting: Never light fireworks in a container or your hand.
One at a Time: Light one firework at a time and move away quickly.
No Relighting: Don’t try to relight a “dud” firework.
Proper Disposal: Soak spent or misfired fireworks in water before disposal.
Legal Fireworks: Use only legal fireworks.

Care for the environment

Noise and air pollution from fireworks are serious concerns. Here are some suggestions:

Limit Use: Use fireworks sparingly to reduce pollution.
Noise-Free: Opt for noise-free fireworks to minimize sound pollution.
Timing: Avoid late-night or early-morning fireworks to respect others’ peace.
Clean Up: Properly dispose of all firework debris to reduce litter.
Alternatives: Consider light shows or eco-friendly alternatives to traditional fireworks.
Remember, celebrating responsibly helps everyone enjoy the festival!

Eye safety is crucial

Remember, your eyes are precious. Protect them!

Wearing standard protective eyewear can help prevent eye injuries when lighting fireworks. It’s a simple step that can make a big difference.
Polycarbonate eyewear is recommended. It’s strong, durable, and provides a high level of protection against impact. Safety first!
Wear close-fitting, natural fibre clothes like cotton. Avoid loose or synthetic clothing as they can easily catch fire.

In case of eye injuries from fireworks:

· Don’t rub or rinse the eye.
· Don’t apply pressure.
· Don’t try to remove any objects stuck in the eye.
· Shield the eye with a loose sterile bandage.
· Seek immediate medical attention.

First aid for a burn

Cool the burn under cold running water for at least 20 minutes.
Cooling the burn will reduce pain, swelling and the risk of scarring. The sooner and longer a burn is cooled, the less the impact of the injury. Seek medical help immediately.

Remember, prompt professional care is crucial

Be a spark of hope in someone’s life

“Imagine the joy you could bring by redirecting some of your firework funds to those less fortunate. The light you’d ignite in their lives could outshine any firework. This Diwali let’s not just light up the sky, but also the lives of the poor, sick, and homeless. Your generosity could be the beacon they need in their darkest hours. Let’s redefine celebration by sharing our prosperity and becoming a spark of hope in someone’s life.” Be generous to the poor, needy, and the less privileged.

The Heart of Giving Foundation Wishes you all a Diwali filled with joy, prosperity, and the glow of a thousand lamps.

    Antony Sajeeth





For more information: Reach out to the author Antony Sajeeth founder and Director of Needuva Hru

dhaya (Heart of Giving) Foundation a Non-Profit initiative working in the field of education and healthcare, creating awareness and helping people make informed choices. Come partner with us today to make the world a better place.

Email: antony@heartofgiving.in
Website: heartofgiving.in

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