Home Fit & Fun Entertainment Lily Allen ‘had sex’ with her father’s famous friend

Lily Allen ‘had sex’ with her father’s famous friend

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Lily Allen ‘had sex’ with her father’s famous friend

London: Singer Lily Allen had sex with a TV star who was also a friend of her father when she was 14, she revealed in her new book.

The singer has made a number of explosive claims in “My Thoughts Exactly”, including the time she ended up going back to the hotel of an unnamed celebrity following a charity football match, reports mirror.co.uk.

She wrote: “After the match, the TV star left his football gear in my dad’s car, and I was dispatched to his hotel to return it. We arranged to meet in the bar there. He bought me a couple of drinks, then took me up to his room and had sex with me.

“I was 14. He was 19, but to me he seemed like someone from a different generation. Afterwards, I felt funny about it. I knew what had happened wasn’t right…”

Her father turned it into a “shtick with his friends. They made up elaborate schemes to blackmail the guy and they rehearsed how they’d call him up and put the s**ts up him.

“I just know that my dad turned me having sex with this guy I hardly knew into a joke between him and his mates. That didn’t make me feel good.”

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