Mangalore Diocesan CODP Distributes Scholarship to 200 students

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Mangalore Diocesan CODP Distributes Scholarship to 200 students

Mangaluru: On 26th June 2024, CODP took the initiative to distribute scholarship to students under the custodianship of Bishop of Mangalore Dr Peter Paul Saldanha. Scholarship worth Rs 10 Lakhs was distributed to 200 students. Needy but intelligent students who had applied to CODP, the Diocesan Social Service organ in the month of May and June were selected for this charitable program.

The program began with a prayer led by CODP staff. Fr Vincent D’Souza, the Secretary of CODP welcomed the Bishop and all students along with their parents who attended the program. While addressing the gathering Fr Vincent said that CODP, on behalf of Mangalore Diocese, disburses financial aid to needy students every year. The aid distribution program was followed by short information about the importance of education.

Bishop Dr Peter Paul Saldanha handed over the scholarship cheques to the poor and deserving students to pursue their education. “Without education life would be miserable. Education does contribute a lot towards both a progressive society and also towards an individual’s personal development. The enlightenment that education brings in and around us will help us to build a healthy and progressive society,” said Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha. The diocese of Mangalore has contributed a lot to the society through education, health and other development programs, the bishop added.

During the program, Ms Sania Savinoella Mendonca from Bondel expressed her experience with CODP regarding the help received for higher education.

The program was compered by Mrs Veena D’Souza and Mrs Reena D’Costa proposed the vote of thanks.

Mr Praveen Crasta, Ms Anisha Fernandes and the associate staff of CODP helped to arrange the program successfully.

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