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Mangalore Diocese Laity Commission Celebrates Laity Sunday, holds Study Session on Vatican Council Documents

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Mangalore Diocese Laity Commission Celebrates Laity Sunday, holds Study Session on Vatican Council Documents

Mangaluru: On the occasion of Laity Sunday, the Commission for Lay Faithful organised a significant diocesan-level event at Sambhram Hall, St Anthony’s Ashram Jeppu on June 30, 2024, bringing together vice presidents and secretaries of parish councils, along with Lay Faithful Commission secretaries from 48 parishes. 131 participants gathered for an in-depth study session on key Second Vatican Council documents.

The session focused on the following documents:

1. Lumen Gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church): Emphasizes the Church as a mystery, the People of God, and the Body of Christ, highlighting the universal call to holiness and the laity’s role in the Church’s mission.

2. Sacrosanctum Concilium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy): Focuses on liturgical reforms to promote active participation by the laity and underscores the liturgy’s importance as the Church’s life and mission’s summit and source.

3. Dei Verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation): Addresses the nature of divine revelation, the transmission of the Word of God, and the importance of Sacred Scripture, encouraging deeper engagement with the Bible.

4. Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World): Discusses the Church’s relationship with the modern world, focusing on human dignity, the family’s role, and social justice.

Rev. Dr Rajesh Rosario, Rev. Dr Rudolph OCD, Rev. Dr Antony George Pinto, and Rev. Dr Roshan D’Souza, Chancellor of Udupi Diocese, led the session, offering comprehensive insights into these documents’ significance for the laity.

Fr J.B. Crasta, the diocesan secretary of the commission, welcomed the participants and introduced the Very Rev. Msgr Maxim L. Noronha, Vicar General, who presided over the inaugural session. Msgr Maxim emphasized Pope Francis’s call to study these foundational documents, underscoring their importance for the laity to contribute effectively to the Church’s mission.

Dr John D’Silva appreciated the organizers for the enriching study session, highlighting its role in deepening participants’ understanding of Church teachings and equipping them for their parish roles.

In closing, Fr J. B. Crasta thanked the lay leaders for their service and extended greetings on Laity Sunday, acknowledging their vital contributions to the Church.

The study session reinforced the lay faithful’s understanding and engagement with the Church’s teachings, encouraging them to live out their faith in their daily lives and communities.

The event concluded with a Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr Chathen Cap OFM, who preached on the spirituality of the four documents, emphasizing their importance for personal and communal faith growth.

Rev. Fr Gilbert D’Souza, Fr Nelson Peries, Fr Avinash Pais, and Fr Maxim Rosario were also present.

The students of St Anthony’s led the opening prayer with a prayer song, marking the beginning of the Laity Sunday celebration.

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