Mangaluru: Children are the future of the country and they should be protected – Chief Justice Vafela

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Mangaluru: The Karnataka State Legal Services Authority Bengaluru in association with the District Legal Services Authority, district administration, Children’s legal centre, District Child Protection Unit, Lawyers Guild, and Women and Child Welfare department held a workshop on “Child Legal Act” and “Protection of Child”, at Netravati Hall, Zilla Panchayat here on February 7.




The programme began with an invocation. Chief District Judge Uma M G welcomed the gathering. The programme was inaugurated by Chief Justice of the High Court of Karnataka D H Vafela by lighting the traditional lamp along with the other dignitaries on the dais.

Addressing the gathering Justive Vafela said, “Mangaluru city is very beautiful and it is the most beautiful part of the country. The people in Mangaluru are living in one of the most historical parts of the country.”

He further said, “Children are the future of the country and we are here to discuss the future of the country. We need to protect our children and hand over the future of the country in their hands to be protected.”

“If we go back in history, the British decided to subjugate and oppress our country. They brought law to crush Indians ruthlessly and not to provide any social justice to the people. But we did not wake up even after independence. The WHO has reminded us to bring more laws especially for the protection of women and children.”

“After 50 years of independence, we brought the Juvenile act for the protection of children. The basic purpose of the law is not to send the child to jail, instead to make exclusive provisions to deal with the child. Teachers are the highest respected people and their profession is also highly respected in the country. To understand the pain of young hearts, special provisions have been made so that justice is done with the children.”

“When the child grows, we cannot read their minds. Reading the mind of an adolescence is very tough. They do not have control over their mind. Even at the age from 18 to 27, the body of the youth is not controlled or driven by the mind. Infact, the body is controlled and driven by the body itself. When we were young, we have done some mischievous things too. Those who were mischievous in their young age, are professionals, leaders or entrepreneurs today. A child should know its potential and the society should encourage and use the child’s potential in a creative way. The police should treat youngsters with a humane heart.”

Deputy Commissioner A B Ibrahim and SP Dr Sharanappa also spoke on the occasion.

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