Mangaluru: ‘Invest Dakshina Kannada’ Inaugurated by Minister Ramanth Rai

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Mangaluru: Invest Dakshina Kannada, investors meet was inaugurated by District Minister in-charge Ramanth Rai at the TMA Pai hall here, on January 12.

Speaking on this occasion, District Minister In-charge Ramanath Rai said that Dakshina Kannada was the best place for an investor. The Government has provided perfect opportunity for investors.

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Addressing the gathering MLA JR Lobo said, “From the time I became a MLA, I wanted to bring investment to Dakshina Kannada. I realize that everyone over here are eager to bring investment to the district, however I believe it is possible if proper infrastructure is provided, companies will automatically invest. Government needs to improve the facilities at the grassroots level. Build roads, provide water and companies will come.”

Lobo said that investors saw the facilities available and never wanted to come back to the city. It is very important to create suitable environment for specific companies so that they come and invest here. MLA Mohiudeen Bava also spoke on this occasion.

The investors meet is expected to bring investments of about Rs 725 crore for the city.Mangaluru being one of the 100 nominated smart cities is a highlight for the investors. Potential investors who attended the meet were given material that showed facilities given by the State for the investors.

Deputy Commissioner, AB Ibrahim; Mayor Jacintha Vijay Alfred; MUDA Chairman, Ibrahim Kodijal; Chief Secretary of the Department of Higher Education, Bharat LalMeena; President of ZP, Asha Thimmappa Gowda; ZP CEO, Sreevidya; Deputy Mayor,Purushothama Chitrapura; Vice-President of KCCI, Rammohan Pai Maroor and Joint Director of DIC, Gokuldas Nayak were also present.

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Max and Jessie Rasquinha
9 years ago

Great news with dynamic plans and ideas that will benefit Mangalore ten fold. These massive projects require people with vision, people with determination and people with a progressive thought. We wish best of luck to everyone that is involved with this project. We see so many dignitaries in the audience whose leadership can bring multitude of benefits to our City. Surprisingly, we do not see anyone smiling in the audience. Everyone appears to be concerned, for some unknown reason. May God help us all.

9 years ago

Fix Nanthoor circle Mr. Lobo, you cannot blame government because you are part of it. If you can control the hooligans from hurting the business, that would be good too. If they are not willing we could start home industry of VHP in Mangalore, we could give training to young people to be blacksmiths and make trishul, gadha,bow and arrows, we can build a few temples along the way..