Mangaluru: MD of MRPL Kumar Inaugurates Central Excise Day

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Mangaluru: The Central Excise and Service Tax Department celebrated Central Excise Day-2016 at the Corporation Bank Millennium Building, Pandeshwar here, on February 24.

Managing Director of MRPL, H Kumar and Managing Director and CEO of Corporation Bank, Jayakumar Garg inaugurated the formal function by lighting the traditional lamp along with Commissioner of Excise Department (ED), Subramanya.


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Speaking on this occasion, Subramanya said, “From the time the department was established to this day, a lot has changed. We are no more tax enforcers, but we are tax facilitators. We have brought in several reforms that have reduced transaction costs and hence our goods don’t suffer in international trade.”

He further said, “In Mangaluru, if we include the customs, then the total tax collected will amount to Rs 12,250 crore in the last year itself, of which Rs 8325 crore is from central excise and Rs 563 crore from service tax. It is our duty to collect each penny owed to the exchequer.” The expense of the ED was the lowest in the world and stood at just 86paise per 100 rupees collected. The department had also undertaken several social drives like, blood donation and cleanliness drives.

H Kumar said that the department has changed the way it functions and had modernized along with time. “A lot of transactions are done electronically with an exception of a few. As the Prime Minister had promised, the ED had indeed helped to achieve the ‘ease of business’. ED played an important role in nation building as it ensured that everyone paid their taxes.”

Jaykumar encouraged the service given by the ED and said, “Good things happen to us if we do good to others. Service is like a small seed; you may feel it is small but one day it will grow in a banyan tree and benefit the society.”

After the formal function, there was a cultural programme.

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8 years ago

Well done, Mangalore Central Excise and Service Tax. Keep it up