Mangaluru: MLA J R Lobo Inaugurates ‘Great Lions Reverse Show and Two Wheeler Slow Race’

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Mangaluru: The district co-ordinator for Accident Awareness MJF Ln Agnel Rodrigues organized ‘The Great Lions Reverse Show and Two Wheeler Slow Race’ at the Padua School Ground here on April 5.

The programme began with a welcome by the organizer of the show Ln Agnel Rodrigues. The programme was inaugurated by the District Govenor 317 D, MJF Ln Manjunath Murthy by lighting the traditional lamp along with other dignitaries on the dais.

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Addressing the gathering, Ln Manjunath Murthy said that the objective of the programme is to bring awareness among the people. “Last month, the Supreme Court brought many changes in the Motor Vehicle Act. Drivers do not have discipline while driving. We need discipline while driving or riding two-wheelers. In our country, there is a law and there are rules for driving. But people are not following the rules. People do not follow lane discipline, which leads to accidents. When a person is alive, he has many responsibilities.” He also said that even though we are careful while driving/riding, others will create problems for us. “In Dubai, the people strictly follow the rules while driving. We have to follow the same discipline in our country.” Ln Manjunath congratulated Ln Agnel for organizing such a programme to bring awareness among motorists and save lives.

MLA J R Lobo speaking on the occasion said that this is a good programme. “Mangaluru is the 4th cleanest city in the country. After Bengaluru, Mangaluru is the second city registering highest number of vehicles. Without the support of the people, laws cannot bring changes. ACP Uday Nayak had made the Balmatta-Bendurwell road as one way and that helped a lot in easing the traffic congestion. But due to pressure from the people, some politicians scraped the idea.”

“When we drive, we do not follow lane discipline. Vehicles moving at slow speeds occupy the fast lane, while others driving at normal speeds find it difficult to overtake and are forced to take the left lane to overtake. Another problem faced by the public and the students is the loud horns. How can we bring changes if motorists do not care for the students or the patients admitted in the hospitals? It is difficult to imagine how the poor students at the Jyothi School cope up with the terrible sound of high decibel horns used especially by bus drivers,” he said.

Lobo urged the organizers to bring awareness among the motorists on lane discipline and make Mangaluru, a horn free city. “We need to bring changes by taking necessary steps and make Mangaluru a clean and safe city.”

ACP traffic Uday Nayak speaking on the occasion said that in Mangaluru, the traffic has drastically increased. “Most of the accidents take place due to negligence of the drivers. According to the survey, 14 lakh people die in road accidents every year. In 2020, the figures may reach to 18 lakh. The government has taken all the necessary measures, but modern vehicles that are very efficient and high powered cannot adapt to our roads. 50 to 55% drivers are the cause for all major accidents. If we drive carefully, we can avoid accidents. In Mangaluru, the roads are very narrow. People drive without following the traffic rules. Lane discipline is never followed. While negotiating circles, if we follow traffic rules and give way to other vehicles, traffic can flow smoothly and most of the traffic jams can be avoided. We need to cooperate and adjust to situations.”

He further said that during the mornings, the rate of accidents is high. He urged the drivers to always be alert while driving. “One more cause of accidents is ‘drink and drive’.” He advised motorists never to drink and drive.

Trustee of Sri Devi College Sadananda Shetty, Ln Kavitha Shastry also spoke on the occasion.

The Great Lions Reverse Show and Two Wheeler Slow Race was held thereafter.
The winners list is as follows:

Four wheel reverse show (Women)
First place – Bharati Pushparajan (1.48 minute)
Second place – Nasia (2.05 minute)

Four wheel reverse show (Men)
First place – Harshavardhan (43 seconds)
Second place – Bennet (44 seconds)

Two wheeler (Women)
First place – Rajani
Second place – Laveena

Two wheeler (Men)
First place – Naveen
Second place – Allan

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9 years ago

IN DUBAI, PEOPLE STRICTLY FOLLOW THE RULES WHILE DRIVING, Confirms. Ln Manjunath Murthy. Yes, and this is a fact. BUT, most citizens and expats, if not all, do so , because laws and regulations in Dubai are strictly implemented and enforced, and fines and punishments are pretty high and harsh. Irresponsible drivers, Driving Under the Influence, etc., are found in all countries from Uganda to USA, but comparing Dubai’s laws and regulations to Indian laws and it’s strict implementation is truly absurd. One fine example to this argument is the classic case of Actor Salman Khan, who is charged with… Read more »