Mangaluru: Mount Carmel Central School to host ‘Carmel Ingenium’-where Ideas turn into Reality

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Mangaluru: Addressing the media persons during the press meet held at Mangalore Press Club, Sr Melissa AC-Principal of Mount Carmel Central School said, “A one day cultural, literary and technical fest, “Carmel Ingenium” will be organized by the students of Mount Carmel Central School in association with Radio Mirchi – 98.3 FM in the school campus on November 9th, 2015. What marks its uniqueness is the fact that it is a wholly student planned, organized and executed event with guidance from teachers. Twenty schools in and around Mangalore are expected to participate in this fest”.

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Radhika Bansal-student Coordinator said, “A total number of 149 students divided into eight different committees along with 8 event forums are involved in making Ingenium happen. An interesting mix of individual and group events has been planned that includes various fun filled activities like Chameleon, Sur-Taal, 90 Seconds to fame accompanied by the mainstream exciting Quiz and Technical events. However, the host school will refrain from participating in this event. As propounded by Sr Melissa A.C, Principal of Mount Carmel Central School, this fest is being conducted in order to enhance the organizing and managing skills of the students of the host school and act as a catalyst in their learning process. Moreover, it also provides a platform for students to explore and appreciate the untapped talent concealed in them and showcase it in an enthralling manner.

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Latha Shenoy – Staff Coordinator along with core committee members namely Angus Andrew Fernandez, Cyrus David Wong, Lolita Lobo, Rebecca Albuquerque, Sowmiya Sumith, Sheetal Pillai, Frizzell D’souza and few others were also present during the press meet.

General Instructions of the Fest:

· One student can take part in maximum 2 events (School has to see that the events of participant does not clash).

· Total number of students participating from each school should not exceed TEN.

· Accompanied by one or two teachers.

· The event is for the students of 9th and 10th only.

· Students taking part in the Tech Arena (computer event) cannot take part in any other event.

· Students must possess their school ID cards and produce it whenever asked for.

· Judges and organisers decisions are final and binding.

· Use of fire and animals on stage are strictly prohibited.

· Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Chameleon: is all about switching between for and against on the same topic. If the participant begins speaking in favour of the topic, on ringing of the bell, the participant must switch to the negative phase of the topic immediately and vice versa. They have to switch again on the next bell.

Origami: is the Japanese word for paper folding. ORI means to fold and KAMI means paper. It’s all about using paper in a creative way to depict a short scene.

Weave A tale: We all love listening to stories and so now is the time for you to take your imagination to another level and weave a tale using your creativity.

90 Seconds to Fame: Want fame? This is your opportunity to become a star. These 90 seconds can make you a celebrity. In this one and a half minute, exhibit your talent to the audience.

Battle of Brains: The most interesting thing about a quiz is that it is both a team as well as an individual competition. Even though you compete as a team , the whole game can change based on the random knowledge of a person. Here is your chance to a be a part of one such competition in the form of a General Knowledge quiz!

Theatre of Fun: Bored of TV Advertisements, so use your creativity and come up with a crazy mad act of your own.

Sur-Taal: Music, song and dance is one entity. Here is your chance to celebrate them together by singing and dancing to the Karaoke music of your choice.

Tech-Arena: Competition is not just about winning. It’s more about finding the potential in you and nurturing it as knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. So join us and explore the Tech genius hidden in you!

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