Mangaluru: Mystery Surrounds Usha Shetty’s Body Found in Semi-charred State in Yekkar

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Mangaluru: Usha Shetty (29), wife of Ashwin Shetty of Jappinamogaru in the city, was found dead by the side of the road leading to Kodamanittaya daivasthana in Yekkar on Friday evening.

She was employed in a car showroom on Falnir road. She had asked for the direction to and location of Kodamanittaya daivasthana in Yekkar with her colleages on Thursday, the day she had gone missing.


Since she did not return home, her husband had filed a complaint to the police. Her mobile phone signals were pointing to Yekkar on the ouskirts. The residents and the police conducted a thorough search of the locality. Finally, the body was found in a semi-charred state, lying by the side of the road on Friday evening.

A bottle containing petrol, a bag and a medical presciption were found by the side of the body. Enquiries in Yekkar revealed that she had asked for the price of fritters at a shop and gone back.Then she is said to have boarded a car coming from the direction of Kateel and left.

The circumstances are baffling. If it was a suicide, why she had to choose a spot like Yekkar to take that desperate step is the prominent question in the minds of the police. Since she had specifically asked for the location of the daivasthana with her colleages, there is a chance that she had been asked to come there by some person. The car she had boarded may have been conneced to her death.

She was not spotted after she visited the shop in Yekkar on Thursday. The police are looking into the angle if she was murdered elsewhere, set on fire partially to destroy evidence and then dumped in Yekkar.

The Bajpe police are pursuing the case.

Also Read:

Mangaluru: Missing Woman Found Dead at Yekkar

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9 years ago

womens and girls should be verycarefull.while going outside. there is no security for good women.