Mangaluru: Ramakrishna Mission, a Model in the Country for sustained Cleanliness Drive – Swami Balabhadranandaji

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Mangaluru: 35th Swacch Mangaluru Abhiyan was carried out by Ramakrishna Mission in Marnamikatta area on the January 17.


A stage programme was held near Marnamikata circle. Swami Balabhadranandaji, Asst Secretary, Ramakrsihna Mission, Belur Math and Nalin Kumar Kateel, MP, Dakshina Kannada District were the chief guests.

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Swami Balabhadranandaji speaking on the occasion lauded the efforts of Mangalore Ramakrsihna Mission and remarked that the Ashram is a role model in the nation for its sustained cleanliness drive. He also highlighted the importance of the youth joining hands in this drive.

Nalin Kumar Kateel too appreciated the sustained and active leadership of the Ramakrsihna Mission in the Swacchata Abhiyan initiated by PM Narendra Modi. Both the dignitaries flagged off the 35th drive near Marnamikatta Circle

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Swamijis and the guests then cleaned the surroundings of Marnamikatta circle with brooms. All the four roads leading to the circle were thoroughly cleaned. The road leading from Morgan’s Gate to Marnamikatta circle was neglected for years together and heaps of garbage which was lying on the road were cleared using JCB and tipper. The public toilet situated in the area lacked maintenance and all sorts of posters stuck on the walls had ruined its look. The walls were cleared off all the posters, cleaned and repainted thus giving a new look.

Marnamikatta circle was dilapidated for the past few years and was an eye sore for the regular commuters in that area. The volunteers of the Abhiyan taking the help of professionals in this regard have been working on repairing the same by building walls for the circle using laterite stones and ten loads of mud. This wall will be painted by the members of Isiri arts in days to come.

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The dilapidated bus shelter that lacked maintenance was cleaned and painted giving a much needed facelift.

The 35th Abhiyan concluded with a small programme in the Ashrama Audirouim later which was inaugurated by Swami Balabhadranandaji from Kolkata. Sri Kumar, MD, MRPL, who are the principal Sponsors of the drives speaking on the occasion expressed their satisfaction and pride in associating with Ramakrsihna Mission in the Swacchata Abhiyan and lauded the sustained efforts of the Ashram in this regard.

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Volunteers distributed handbills on Swacch Mangaluru Abhiyan to about 1000 households to generate awareness among the locals in the area.

Volunteers of Nivedita Balaga, Students of GFGC, Car Street, Members of Art of Living foundation, Members of Rotary Club Hillside, Rajashekhar Hebbar, Dr Satish Rao, Suresh Shetty, Shubhoday Alva, Dilraj Alva, M R Vasudev and several other eminent men actively participated in the Abhiyan.

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MRPL, Principal Patron of the event sponsored the drive.

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Original R.Pai
9 years ago

Glad to see Nalin Kumaara participating in this. It would be really great if our MP participates in this campaign every week. Also, I noticed that Mr.Vaasudeva and Mr.Karnik are seen in these events on regular basis. Clearly, they are showing true leadership unlike many others who show up only for ‘udghaatana samaarambha’ events. As usual, other political leaders especially from ruling party are missing here. No surprises there!!

Finally, these monks from Raamakrishna aashrama deserve all the credit. Week after week, they are doing such a great job!! We need more groups like Raamakrishna aashrama in our country.

shAIKh moHD rizwan
9 years ago

Glad to see Nalin Kumaara participating in this. -Mr.Original Atheist Pai

Sir,Finally our MP has got a break from ‘Hindu Hriday Samraat’ and protesting for the compensation of Bajrang Dal. I appreciate if he could concentrate swachh mangalore from communal elements and make Mangalore smart city.

I wonder why no BJP MP’s ever found taking selfie cleaning toilets? Why the MP are not taking PM Modi’s ‘Toilet before temple’ comment seriously?

Thanks for Ramkrishna mission to welcoming our MP. Wish he will be regular participant without any invitation.

Jai Hind

shAIKh moHD rizwan
9 years ago

Ramakrishna Mission, a Model in the Country for sustained Cleanliness Drive – Swami Balabhadranandaj-Reports

Dear readers,Well said swamiji.Will BJP MP yogi Adityanath,Swami Kamalananda Bharati,Subramanian Swamy,Giriraj Singh,Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti’s has something to learn from this instead of delivering ‘hate speeches’ and being part of PM Modi’s ‘Good Governance’?

Jai Hind

deepak shetty
9 years ago

SishAIKh moHD rizwan…….,Finally our MP has got a break from ‘Hindu Hriday Samraat’

I think you have some Allergy with a word Of HINDU

take some Ajjerna Tablet

9 years ago
Reply to  deepak shetty

take some Ajjerna Tablet – Mr. Deepaka Shettre to Mr. Shaikh

ಆಜ್ಜೆರ್ನ? ಎರ್ನ ಅಜ್ಜೆರ್ನ? ಇಡೆ ಕೈತ್ತಲ್ ಪಂಡ ನಮ್ಮ ರಂಪಾ ಅಜ್ಜೆರ್ ಮಾತ್ರ ಉಲ್ಲೆರ್.

deepak shetty
9 years ago

shAIKh moHD rizwan ka nara hai
2014-TODAY: INDIA is intolerant, becoz I HATE MODI
Jai hind

9 years ago

Nalina Kumara is snapped moving a bit of paper on some photo-op mission and our Yumreeki Murudu Rampai goes all ga-ga..and does his usual sa re ga ma.. pa da ni sa…. (or – Do re mi fa sol, la, ti do)

And in one of the pics, do we have somebody ‘trying’ to paint a wall with a roller mounted on a broom? No comments on this Jugaad, eh?

shAIKh moHD rizwan
9 years ago

I think you have some Allergy with a word Of HINDU-Mr.Deepak Shetty

Sir, I have allergy to Sangh parivar misusing Hinduism and brainwashing innocents minds. I need you to treat those Sanghis with Ajeerna tablet so that they will love humanity and treat everyone as ‘Vasudeva kutumbakam’.

Will you dishon sangh ideology and help unit the nation from disintegrating?

Jai Hind

B. N. Pai
9 years ago

shAIKh moHD rizwan – “Sir, I have allergy to Sangh parivar misusing Hinduism and brainwashing innocents minds.” Janaab, the Sangh Parivar “owns” the Hindus, just like the ISIS “owns” the Muslims. You know why the RSS came into existence? Hedgewar knew in 1925 that the ISIS would come into existence in 2010! You know why RSS is to be supported by all Hindus. It wants to protect the Hindus from the Indian ISIS, a creature of RSS atrocities to be born in India, yet. They want to have 25 crore non – Hindus to become Indian Talibans, and by raising… Read more »

shAIKh moHD rizwan
9 years ago

2014-TODAY: INDIA is intolerant, becoz I HATE MODI-Mr.Deepak Shetty,

Sir,You are writing as if you are the eye witness to ‘Aachhe Din’ from 1947-2014.It is not me PM Modi’s India realised that what they have voted is only ‘Jumbla’ not real ‘development’.

So the Bhaktas making use of ‘Digital India’ are busy trolling and blaming 60 years of Congress past because they don’t have anything to prove in 2 years other than sharp rise communal violence across India.

After all they are party of difference ‘Bharatiya Danga party’ shining India.

Jai Hind