Mangaluru: The Body of Christ’…’Amen’! 22 Kids Receive First Holy Communion at Milagres Church

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“I am the bread of life…. whoever eats this bread will live forever,” according to John 6:35-58 in Holy Gospel. By continuing to receive Holy Communion for the rest of their lives, Catholics become one with Christ and believe they will share in his eternal life.

Mangaluru: Sunday, 17 May 2015 I attended the 8.15 am English Mass at Milagres Church- at the end of the mass I found out that 22 children belonging to the Milagres Parish were receiving their First Holy Communion during the 9.30am Konkani Mass. Watching these kids, both boys and girls, clad in pure white clothing escorted by their parents, and very enthusiastic to receive their First Communion, my memory went back to that day when my parents escorted me to receive my First Communion at St. Francis Xavier’s Church, Bejai, Mangalore. Instead of leaving the Church, I decided to stay back to witness the First Holy Communion Ceremony of these 22 communicants.

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I remember the day, when I was dressed in white, beaming with joy when I received my First Communion, which was the body of Jesus Christ. After the Church ceremony, my parents didn’t plan a big celebration like they do these days –instead my parents took me to visit our closest relatives and neighbors for blessings and gifts. During those days we didn’t receive gifts like video games, iPods, Nintendo games, Barbie dolls and other electronic gadgets — instead I got religious items and some cash totalling about Rs 100 or so. Big money those days! Ever since I received my Holy Communion I have been practicing my Catholic faith very devotedly and very seriously and I want to remain Catholic forever. I feel proud to be a Catholic.

First Communion is the colloquial name for a person’s reception of the sacrament of life. Catholics believe this event to be of great importance, as the Eucharist is one of the central focuses of the Roman Catholic Church. Holy Communion refers to the Eucharist — it is as well the body of Jesus Christ. It is a sacrament. So when these children make their First Communion they can understand exactly what they are doing when they first accept the host. In earlier days around the age of 7 or 8,( these days it’s around 9 or 10 years of age ) who have reached the age of reason and are capable of participating in the sacramental life of the Roman Catholic Church qualify to receive the First Communion. Others can receive communion for the first time provided they are baptized and also have met all the church requirements. Special clothing, often white, is worn for this event to symbolize purity.

“I am the bread of life…. whoever eats this bread will live forever,” according to John 6:35-58 in Holy Gospel. By continuing to receive Holy Communion for the rest of their lives, Catholics become one with Christ and believe they will share in his eternal life. During the profession of faith and renewal of baptismal promises, Fr. Sunil George D’Souza, Assistant Parish Priest, who con-celebrated the Mass along with Fr. Valerian D’Souza, Parish Priest, Fr. Santhosh Lobo, Assistant Parish Priest (all three of Milagres Church) asked the 22 communicants, ” Do you all believe in God, the Father Almighty; in Jesus Christ; in Holy Spirit; in the Holy Catholic Church; in the communion of Saints; in the forgiveness of sins; in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting?” And the 22 communicants joyfully replied together, ” We do.” And at that very moment I wished and prayed that these kids may keep up with their promises and beliefs when they grow up.

In his homily, the priest said, “Today every family feels happy because their children are receiving Holy communion for the first time. When you receive Jesus you should understand the love of Jesus. Heavenly father loved the world so much he sent his only son Jesus to the world. Immanuel means ‘God is with us. Jesus loves us, he comes within us in the form of the Holy Eucharist and lives in our hearts. It is our anxiety to mold these children into faithful citizens. Parents need to keep their oath which they have taken at the time of their children’s Baptism to bring their children up in Christian faith. Parents are the role models for children and whatever parents do children follow them. If the parents teach the children to pray and teach them moral values, they will grow in faith and become successful in their life”.

Now that the children received their First Holy Communion, it’s the duty of the parents to see that these communicants follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, and practice their faith seriously, and not ignore it. But these days we see First Communion celebrations have become very glamorous and extravagant –seems like a wedding celebration. The innocent child doesn’t know what’s going on with such a big celebrations- he/she is all shy and nervous facing the gathering. Oh well! These glamorous show, and all that hoopla –that’s okay with me. But the parents should not forget the actual reason of the Holy Communion after these celebrations.

Parents need to be behind their kids, educate their kids the values of Catholic faith and it’s teachings, also make sure that their kids attend church, especially Sunday mass ( and not allow them to stay at home and watch cartoons on TV or play video games), teach them to pray and say the Rosary every night, and teach them to respect their elders, their teachers, their parish priests and nuns. Because these kids are the future pillars of Catholic kingdom –let us not allow these kids to abandon their Catholic faith and their church. Parents your responsibility to educate your children about the importance of Catholic history and faith will play an important role in your child’s future. Thank you for understanding me!

Just to find out how the children felt about the First Communion ceremony, I asked one of the communicants while he was coming out of the church, ” How was your First Communion?” ” It was Chappe (tasteless), but I enjoyed it” replied the kid. Ha! I guess the kid might have taken my query on a different way. Anyways, finally my message to these adorable 22 communicants who received Jesus for the first time at Milagres Church, :” Please don’t grow up to be as just namesake Catholics. Grow up to be the real God-fearing Catholics believing in the church’s teachings and values. Attend church services and say your rosary daily. Believe in your Catholic faith. Be proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord. May God bless you all.”

Following are the names of the Communicants :

1) Johan Salil Mathais

2) Deon D’souza

3) Anthony

4) Jonathan Antony Tellis

5) Cavin Jonathan Mascarenhas

6) Chris Henry Lobo

7) Chris Levit Pais

8) Nathan Jeremiah Serrao

9) Levin Sheldon D’Sa

10) Loyd Veigas

11) Rohan Daniel D’Souza

12) Relisha Rashmi D’Souza

13) Joanne Theophilia Lobo

14) Monvish Santana Menezes

15) Rachel Maryann D’Sa

16) Rayna Roanne Rebello

17) Ancila Giona Vas

18) Lara Nicole Pais

19) Kathy Neala Farias

20) Desma Sinora D’Souza

21) Camryn Dania Coelho

22) Valora Ziya D’Souza

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