Mangaluru: To Avoid Curse from Crores of Hindus Build Ram Mandir in Ayodhya – HJS

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Mangaluru: The Hindu Janajagrathi Samiti and Rastriya Hindu Andolan staged a protest demanding the construction of a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, in front of the DC Office here on Jun 7.



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Addressing the protesters, member of HJS Vijaya Kumar said that the demand to build Ram Mandir in Ayodhya has been pending since a very long time. “For many years, the Congress led the government did not want to build the Ram Mandir. But now, even though we have the BJP in power, no initiative have been taken to build the Ram Mandir. The BJP had promised us during the elections that they would built a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya and they came to power because the people believed in their promise. But, the BJP has not done anything in this regard.”

“The BJP and Narendra Modi are playing with the feelings of Hindus. When the Congress was in power, they [BJP] said that Ram Mandir could not be built, but now, even though they are in power and claim to be a Hindu Party, they are not doing anything about it. Today, we have staged a peaceful protest. If our demands will not be met, we will intensify our protest.” He urged the BJP leaders to take the initiative to build the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.

He further said that the Zee Zindagi Channel which “is promoting Pakistan should be banned”. “The said Indian channel is telecasting Indian history in a distorted way and praising Pakistani culture. It is also telecasting serials, such as ‘Dastaan’ and ‘Waqt Ne Kiya Kya Haseen Sitam’, with distorted history of India in it. Pakistan is helping terrorists and destroying peace in our county, and the Zee Zindagi Channel is highlighting India in a bad light. Such a channel should be banned.”

Addressing the protesters Kumar Malemar said that the BJP came to power in the centre with the promise of building a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, but after coming to power the same government has forgotten its promise. “The BJP government could not do anything about building Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. This leads us to question whether India is a Hindu nation?”

The protesters shouted slogans against the Union government and Zee Zindagi.

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