Mangaluru: Women in Black Stage Protest Against Immoral Policing

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Mangaluru: The Mahila Daurjanya Virodhi Vedike staged a silent protest near Nehru Maidan against the increasing atrocities on women and “immoral policing” in the district here, on April 7.

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Speaking to, President Suresh Bhat Bakrebail said, “Today, we are protesting against the immoral act of some people in the society. This protest is organized to express the feelings of the citizens of Mangaluru against the activities of immoral policing, which is bringing bad name to the district. Even after a lot of write-ups and articles, and despite many protests, the government has not been able to control these illegal acts, which is really sad. It shows the lack of control by the government on the police. Moral policing is utter nonsense because the constitution clearly states that it is the right of an adult person to live anywhere in India with whomever is willing to live with them.” He urged the government to take this aspect of the constitution provision very seriously and try to implement it, and that those who prevent young couples from mingling with each other should be severely punished.

Social Activist Vidhya Dinker said, “This is a symbolic protest. If next time, the police question a boy and girl, who were brought in by the goons parading as moral police, the police should also question and arrest the goons. If they do not do this as it is against the constitution, we will gherao that police station. Today is a symbolic protest here. Next time, we will go and ask the police uncomfortable questions. Till now, we were negotiating with them, but we see that the same attitude pervades on the ground. If the police do things which are against the law, we will see that their heads roll.”

Speaking to, social activist Gulabi Bilimale said that moral policing in the district has drastically increased. “We, the Mahila DaurjanyaVirodhi Vedike, condemn such acts. The police are not taking any action against the goons, as they question the boy and girl. The state government also does not take measures to stop such immoral policing in the district.” She demanded that moral policing should be curbed from the district and strict action should be taken against those who take the law in their hands.
All the women were dressed in black, displaying their demands and condemning the “immoral policing” in the district. Some men also joined the women to protest against the immoral policing.

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Mango Man
9 years ago

Huge protest indeed. 3+1 Women make a huge gathering! Its surprising they could not get more support.